
Unit 3 My School单元基础检测 (含答案)人教版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:37次 大小:23306Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 My School 单元基础检测 一、单项选择 1.Which of the following pronunciation (发音) is different from the others A.orange B.mother C.lost D.clock 2.Which of the following words stresses (重读) the second syllable A.library B.interesting C.family D. important 3.—Why can’t Mary see the blackboard —Because a boy sits _____ her, and he is very tall. A.behind B.next to C.across from D.in front of 4.You can _____ the road and the library is _____ from the bank. A.across; across B.cross; across C.cross; cross D.across; cross 5.Let’s _____ the tent and then we can sleep in it. A.put on B.look up C.put up D.run out 6.—Are you totally (完全) different _____ your friend, Mary —No, we are similar _____ each other! to; from B.from; to C.from; from D. to; to 7.Every morning when the sun is_____, we _____ the flag to start the day. A.rise; raise B.raise; rising C.raise; rise D.rising; raise 8.—Tom, let’s go camping this Sunday. —That _____ great. A.sounds B.smells C.tastes D.changes 9.John and his father look _____ and both like helping others. A.talented B.loud C.different D.similar 10.The bus driver saw a _____ in the front of the bus and let the old woman _____ down. A.sit; sit B.seat; sit C.sit; seat D.seat; seat 11.Students are_____ at the _____ news that our team had won the game. A.amazing; amazed B.amazed; amazing C.amazing; amazing D.amazed; amazed 12.—_____ there a bank and a post office here —Yes, _____. A.Is; there is B.Is; it is C.Are; there are D.Are; they are 二、用所给词的正确形式填空 1.It is (importance) for us to have breakfast every day. 2.The teacher (notice) him sleeping in class. It makes her angry. 3.—Let’s go to play football! — (sound) good! 4.How about (eat) some pizza for dinner tonight, my son 5.On China’s National Day, red (flag) are everywhere. 6.Great (change) have taken place in our city. 7.Every Monday morning, our school (raise) the national flag. 8.There _____ (be) a high-speed railway station in my hometown. 9.The two boys helped the old man go _____ (cross) the street just now. 10. Chengdu builds lots of new_____ (building) every year. 11. How is her new school different from _____(your) 三、根据首字母提示写单词 1. We can put our things in the l_____ at the back of our classroom. 2.The house is a s place for me. My families lived there for a long time. 3.Doing sports is i for us to keep healthy. 4.The policeman n a strange man was standing in front of the school gate. 5.Our classroom is next to the teachers’ o . 6.There is a s whiteboard next to the large screen. 7.You can see a lot of m machines in the factory. It takes short time to make paper. 8.Our teacher asks us not to run in the dining h because it is dangerous. 9.There are many interesting books in the reading c_____ in our classroom. 10. The restaurant is popular because the food there is very d_____. 11. We spend m_____ of the time in the classroom on weekdays. 四、根据中 ... ...

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