
Units 5-6单元重要知识点笔记人教版八年级英语上册

日期:2024-10-06 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:30次 大小:21468Byte 来源:二一课件通
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八年级英语上册第5-6单元重要知识点笔记 第5单元 1.might 【1】可能/也许(表猜测)同may,may的可能性比might大 e.g. You may/might be a doctor in the future. 【2】may-might(过去式) e.g. He said that I might borrow his bike. 2.Page Five=Page 5第五页 Picture Nine=Picture 9图九 Class Five=Class 5五班 Lesson Eleven=Lesson 11十一课 Grade Two=Grade 2二年级 3.fear 【1】n.害怕have a fear of heights恐高 have a fear of sth./doing sth.害怕做某事 e.g.He has a fear of talking with others. 【2】v.害怕.../惧怕...fear sth.害怕某物 e.g. He fears dogs. 4.建议 【1】advice(不可数n.)two pieces of advice 【2】suggestion(可数n.)two suggestions 【3】advise(v.)advise sb. to do sth. advise doing 【4】suggest(v.)suggest doing suggest+主语+(should)+v. 5.opposite adj.相反的/相对的 【1】be opposite to sp.=across from sp.在...的对面 e.g. Our school is opposite to(across from)the park. 【2】the opposite of ...的反义词 e.g. Tall is the opposite of short. 6.choice n.选择 have no choice but to do sth.别无选择只能做某事 choose-chose-chosen v. 7.strict adj.严厉的/严格的 【1】be strict with sb.对某人严厉 【2】be strict in sth.对某事严格 【3】be strict with sb. in sth. e.g. Our teacher is strict with us in study. 8.actor(n.)男演员-actress(n.)女演员-act(v.)行为/表演-active(adj.)活跃的-activiy(n.)活动-action(n.)行动/行为 9.seldom adv.不常/罕见(否定词) 常见的否定词:never,none,hardly,few,little e.g.He seldom goes to late,does he? 10.born v.出生(多用过去时) 【1】was/were born in/on+时间在...时出生 【2】was/were born in sp.在某地出生 【3】be born with与生俱来... e.g. He was born with a good memory. 第6单元 11.speed(n./v.)速度 【1】at the speed of以...样的速度 e.g.The car is running at the speed of 80 kilometres. 【2】at(a)high speed以高速 e.g.The train is running at a high speed. 【3】speed up/down加速/减速 【4】speed limit超速/限速 12.space太空/空间 【1】太空in space 【2】空间(同room)不可数n. e.g. There is no space(room)in the car. 13.allow v.允许 【1】allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 【2】allow doing允许做某事 【3】be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事 14.scientific method/theory科学方法/理论 15.business 【1】run a business经营生意 【2】on business出差 【3】none of one’s business不关某人事 e.g. It’s none of your business. 16.protect the environment保护环境 17.grow-grew-grown生长/增加 grow up成长 18.manage to do sth.设法完成某事 manage a big company管理一家大公司 19.imagine doing sth.想象做某事 imagine sb. to be sth.想象某人是... 20.invent(v.)发明-invention(n.)发明-inventor(n.)发明家 21.think highly of sb.高度评价某人 the height of ...的高度 22.be able to do sth.能够做某事 be unable to do sth.不能做某事 disabled people残疾人 23.keep sb. from doing =stop sb.(from)doing =prevent sb.(from)doing阻止某人做某事 24.turn to sb. for help=ask sb. for help向某人求助 25.more than=over多于... less than =under少于-- 26.get along well with sb.=get on well with sb.和某人相处的好 27.be afraid(scared)of doing害怕... 28.none of one’s business不关某人的事 29 ... ...

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