
外研版英语八年级上册Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use 课件(共39张PPT)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:43次 大小:646144Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网)  Modules 1.actress (n.)actor(n.)(男)演员 2.show (v.)showed(过去式)shown(过去分词) 3.twenty (num.)twentieth(序数词)第二十 4.describe (v.)description (n.)描述 5.society (n.)social(adj.)社会的;社交的 6.thin (adj.)thinner(比较级)thinnest(最高级)瘦的 7.danger (n.)dangerous(adj.)危险的 8.interested (adj.)interesting(adj.)有趣的interest(n.)兴趣interest(v.)使……感兴趣 9.grow (v.)grew(过去式)grown(过去分词) 10.raise (v.)raised(过去式)raised(过去分词) 11.scientist (n.)science(n.)科学 12.nature (n.)natural(adj.)合理的;合乎常情的 13.develop (v.)developing(adj.)发展中的developed(adj.)发达的development(n.)发展 1.in the end 最后;终于 2.no idea 不知道 3.offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 4.know about=learn about 了解 5.five years later 五年以后 6.in danger 处于危险之中 7.at last 最后;终于 8.think of 想到;想出 9.take away 夺去;拿走 10.in peace 和平地;平静地 11.look after 照顾 12.in order to 为了 13.set up 开办;设立;建立 14.feed on 以……为食 15.on earth 在地球上;究竟 16.be interested in 对……感兴趣 1.He is especially famous for his play Teahouse. 他尤其以他的话剧《茶馆》而得名。 2.Teahouse is one of Lao She's most famous plays. 《茶馆》是老舍最著名的话剧之一。 3.Lao She Teahouse gives a warm welcome to everyone from all over the world. 老舍茶馆热情欢迎来自全世界的每一个人。 4.After_ finishing school in 1918,he became a head teacher of a primary school. 1918年结束学业后,他成为了一名小学校长。 5.One of his most famous novels is The True Story of Ah Q. 他最著名的小说之一是《阿Q正传》。 6.But I am more interested in the Wolong Panda Reserve because it allows people to get closer to them. 但我对卧龙熊猫保护区更感兴趣,因为那儿允许人们接近它们。 7.It's sad to think of the pandas and other animals in danger. 想起熊猫和其他濒危动物就让人伤心。 8.Let's find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible. 让我们弄清楚我们还能做什么来尽可能多地拯救动物。 9.It says,“Your money pays for looking after animals”. 它写着,“你的钱用于照看动物”。 10.In order to protect pandas in the wild,the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans. 为了保护野外的熊猫,政府正在建造自然公园也在制定其他的计划。 1.offer 【典例在线】 Lingling offered to take me there.玲玲提议带我去那儿。 His mother offered a good plan for our holiday.他的母亲给我们的假期提出了一个好计划。 You should offer others your help.=You should offer your help to others.你应当主动帮助别人。 【拓展精析】 offer是动词,意为“提议,提出”,常用于offer sth.(提出某事),offer to do sth.(主动提出做某事)。offer也有“提供,给予”的意思,相当于give。offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.意为“向某人提供……”。其近义词是provide(提供),但用法不同,provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb.表示“向某人提供……”。 【活学活用】 (1)The company provided(提供) us with 3,000 dollars in 2014. (2)It's reported that the Chinese government provides free milk powder(奶粉) __B__ children in poo ... ...

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