
人教八年级上册Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater?单元复习课件

日期:2024-10-05 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:86次 大小:7050777Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4What’s the best movie theater 单元复习课件 人教版八年级上册 Review Grade 8 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater n. 戏院;剧场 adj. 使人舒服的;舒适的 adj. 接近;亲密的 v. 关闭 n. 票 adj. 最差的 adv. 便宜地;低廉地 v. 选择 adv. 细致地;小心地 n. 记者 adj. 新鲜的;清新的 n. 服务;接待 adv. 非常; adj.漂亮的 n. 菜单 theater comfortable close ticket worst cheaply choose carefully reporter fresh service pretty menu adj. 有创造力的 n. 表演者 n. 魔术师 n. 作用;角色 n. 获胜者 n. 奖品 pron. 每个人;所有人 adj. 贫穷的 adv. 严重地;严肃地;认真地 v. 提供;给 adj. 人多的;拥挤的 n. 实例;范例 adv. 漂亮地;美好地 n. 一餐 creative performer magician role winner prize everybody poor seriously give crowded example beautifully meal Words uncomfortable be close to bad/badly--worse--the worst chose--chosen n. choice v. serve v. create n. creativity n. magic 魔术 play a role in give sb. sth. offer sb. sth.=offer sth.to sb. provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 到目前为止 有共同特征 各种各样的 由……决定 发挥作用;有影响 编造 例如 认真对待 在城镇 最糟糕的服务 考虑 一点也不 so far have……in common all kinds of be up to play a role make up for example take……seriously in town the worst service think of/about not……at all 靠近 欢迎来到 感谢…… 没问题 散步 有一点 ……怎么样? be close to welcome to…… thank for no problem take walks/ a walk a little/a bit/ a little bit What do you think of……? /How do you ilke…… Phrases up to now till now in doing doing What do you think of our city? How do you like Changsha I think it is the most comfortable and beautiful place in my heart. Can you use some sentences with the superlative degree to describe the city What’s is the best movie theater in our city What’s the best clothes store in our city Which is the best supermarket in our city Which is the best radio station in our city beautifully; beauty uncomfortable; comfortably It has the most comfortable seats. It sells the cheapest clothes with the best quality. It has the best service. It is the closest to my home. The DJs choose songs the most carefully. What do you think of these places How do you ilke these places You can talk about its service, quality and prices. comfortable seats big screems best sound cheap close to home funny buy tickets quickly popular new movies expensive boring creative beautiful carefully -- What’s/Which is the best ... in our city -- xxx. -- Why do you think so -- Because it has/is ... People in Changsha are _____. IFS is _____ building in Hunan Provinc. It is _____(busy)during holidays. One of _____ drink in Changsha is Sexy Tea. You can buy it _____ on rainy days. It is a good _____ (choose) for visitors. But there are all kinds of drinks in Changsha. It’s up to you to choose. So which kind of drinks would you like _____, Sexy tea, Coco or Shuyi v. choose; chose; chosen the most friendly/ the friendliest. the highest the busiest the most famous/popular che ... ...

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