

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:13次 大小:2740769Byte 来源:二一课件通
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To solve these problems,Chinese government began the new policy. It's reported that many families are happy to accept this new policy,and they begin to prepare for a third baby.They look for a new house with more rooms and they also want to get a bigger car.While more couples say they still don't want to have a third baby.To make sure the policy goes well,the government also takes measures. It promises to give financial((财政的)support(帮助)to the families if they have a third baby.More supportive measures are under discussion. )26.When did the three-child policy begin A.In2020.B.In2021.C.jn2022.D.In2019. )27.How many reasons does the writer give for carrying out the third-child policy A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four. )28.The underlined word"shortage"in Paragraph 2 means in Chinese. A.贫穷B富余C.短缺D.麻烦 )29.What can the family get from the government if they have a third baby A.Clothes.B.Medicine.C.Jobs.D.Money. ()30.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage A.The Chinese government carried out the new policy in July 2021 B.The aging society has already been smaller. C.Most young couples have to support four old people now. D.The Chinese government will offer jobs to the families with three children. C One day,I was very sad when I arrived home.As a ten years old boy,I was too young to control my feelings.My grandmother asked what had happened to me.I told her,"I was picked on(故意刁难at school.A girl kept hitting me and saying terrible things that hurt me a lot.I kept crying all day." My grandmother looked at me with her loving eyes.She touched my head softly and said to me,"Do you know that you have two magic pockets One has a hole.The other doesn't.When someone says something good that cheers you up,put it in the pocket that is sealed (and strong.Save it.When you go to bed,take it out and enjoy it." "But how about the other pocket,Grandma " She smiled at me and replied,"If somebody says hurtful things to you,put it in the pocket with a hole.Let it go quickly.Then it won't hurt you any more.The hole is for all the problems that you don't want." After that,I have changed a lot.I used to be a pessimistic (boy and keep bad words or things in mind.I thought my life was full of sadness.But after my grandma told me about the two magic pockets,I began to learn to deal with my problems.Now my classmates often say that I am outgoing and confident. )31.Why did the boy feel sad A.Because he argued with his B.Because he was picked on at school.

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