
外研版八年级上册Module6 Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all 课件(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:60次 大小:5231104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 6 Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all. Learning aims: 1.To read and understand the passage about pandas. 2.To grasp the main idea of the passage. 3.To learn to help and save animals in danger. I am tall and I have a long neck. _____ Lead-in: Guessing Game:Guess the names of the animals. giraffe I am the tiger’s cousin. _____ lion I am big and I have a very long nose. _____ elephant panda I am fat but lovely. I am black and white . I like eating bamboo. _____ Let's see some pictures of pandas. Do you like them Why What do you know about them More about Pandas. It is difficult for pandas to produce baby pandas. And they only have one or two baby pandas at one time. Scientists check the baby pandas to make sure they are healthy. They feed pandas with milk. The situation of pandas is getting difficult and it needs everyone to help. Match the headings(标题) with the paragraphs. 1 d) An animal in danger c) The panda’s home a) Nature parks for pandas b) WWF and animals in danger Reading tip(阅读技巧):the first sentence can help you a lot. 2s How many pandas are there in the world + about 340 about 1600 About 1940 Read para 1 and answer . Careful reading: Their situation is … difficult Read para 1 ,2 and check(√) the reasons. Reasons(原因) 3 minutes Pandas don’t produce many babies. Not all baby pandas can live. Pandas don’t have clean water. There’s less and less place for pandas to live. The nature parks are too small for pandas to live. Pandas have less and less food to eat. What’s your proof(证据) …… Pandas do not have many babies …… …… and babies pandas often die …… Each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day. The bamboo forests are getting smaller. The bamboo forests are getting smaller so pandas are losing their home. √ √ √ √ help me! Read para 1, 3, 4 and finish the table. Who … What are they doing zoos research centers Scientists Government WWF look after about 340 pandas do research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live set up nature parks and develop other plans choose panda to be its symbol How can we protect pandas (4 mintues) This is the symbol(标志) for the World Wide Fund for Nature. It is working hard to save all the animals in danger. It is short for World Wide Fund for Nature. (世界自然基金会) Pandas in danger Number: 1940 ____ in the wild _____ in zoos and research centers Why in danger Who and how to save pandas scientists, _____ government,_____ WWF, _____ 1600 340 doing research setting up, nature parks, developing other plans working hard to save not many babies, often die forests, smaller Hi, everyone! This animal is _____.It lives in _____. It likes to eat_____. The situation is getting_____. First,_____; Second,_____. So the scientists do a lot of research to help them. The WWF is working hard to save them all. Let’s protect them. 小组合作,选择一种濒危动物向同学们介绍,并呼吁大家和你一 ... ...

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