
人教版(2024)七年级上册Starter Unit 1 Hello! 第一课时 课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-10-04 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:97次 大小:18865500Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 2024年新人教版七上英语 Starter Unit 1 Hello! Section A How do you greet people Presentation Look at the picture and find out how to greet people. Hello!/Hi! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! We need to know their names. When we greet people, what do we need to know Let’s think. Presentation Teng Fei Fu Xing Yaming Peter Helen / el / / em / Look at the picture. Match the names with the faces. 1a / pi t r/ / h l n/ Ella and Emma Find out the difference between Chinese name and English name. Yuan Longping last name/ family name 姓 first name/ given name 名 Full name [f :st] adj. 第一 [lɑ:st] adj.最后的 1. 中国人名用汉语拼音书写,分姓和名 2. 姓 第一个字母大写 ;名 第一个字母大写 如:Liu Tao Su Hai 3. 名 若是两个字,第二个字不大写且要和第一个字连写 如:Luo Lili Han Meimei Find out the difference between Chinese name and English name. Liu Yang last name/ family name 姓 first name/ given name 名 Full name Find out the difference between Chinese name and English name. Albert Einstein first name/ given name 名 last name/ family name 姓 Full name Find out the difference between Chinese name and English name. William Arthur Philip Louis first name/ given name 名 last name/ family name 姓 Full name middle name 中间名 Ma Long Quan Hongchan 1. 中国人名用汉语拼音书写,分姓和名 2. 姓 第一个字母大写 ;名 第一个字母大写 如:Liu Tao Su Hai 3. 名 若是两个字,第二个字不大写且要和第一个字连写 如:Luo Lili Han Meimei Do you know how to write your name in English Pre-listening Look at the picture and answer. Where are they Who are they They are in the classroom. Teacher and students. How do student and teacher greet each other 1. Ms. Gao:Good morning, class. Class: _____ Ms Gao: Sit down, please. 2. Ms. Gao: Hello, Peter. Can you say hi to the class Peter: _____ Ms. Gao: Thank you, Peter. Now class, please say hi to each other. A. B. C. D. Hi,everyone! So what is your name Nice to meet you too, Fu Xing! Good morning, Miss Gao! Listen to three conversations. Fill in the blanks with the correct sentences in the box. 2c 根据上文或答语的同词复现 或逻辑关系合理推测答案。 听前 预测: 坐下 彼此,互相 While-listening While-listening 3. Emma: Good morning. My name is Emma. Fu Xing: Good morning, Emma. Emma:_____ Fu Xing: Oh, I’m Fu Xing. Nice to meet you, Emma. Emma:_____ A. B. C. D. Hi,everyone! So what is your name Nice to meet you too, Fu Xing! Good morning, Miss Gao! Listen to three conversations. Fill in the blanks with the correct sentences in the box. 2c 根据上文或答语的同词复现 或逻辑关系合理推测答案。 听前 预测: Presentation Listen and repeat the letters. 2a /bi / /si / /di / /i / /ef/ /e / /d i / /e t / /a / /ke / /el/ /d e / /em/ /en/ / / /pi:/ /ɑ (r)/ /kju:/ /ti / /es/ /ju / /vi / /'d blju / /eks/ /wa / /zi / /zed/ Presentation Listen and circle the letters you hear in 2a. 2b Find their homes: Match the letters with the sound. Practice Where can we see 26 letters in our daily life Practi ... ...

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