课件网) Lesson 46 Home to Many Cultures Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us 同学们, 上一课学习的单词、短语和句型你们都掌握了吗 现在大家来检验一下, 点击下面的音频开始听写吧! Look at the pictures below, could you please tell me which country it is Canada England Australia France THINK ABOUT IT Why are there different cultures in one country What are some of the cultural differences between different people and places in China Canada is home to many cultures. ① Three percent of all Canadians are First Nations people. ② The people of the First Nations were there before other people came to North America. 温馨提示:此符号表示“考点精讲点拨”链接。 体裁:说明文 文章结构:总分式 考点:找文章或段落的主题 Now more than half of Canadians have British or French blood. ③ The rest are from every part of the world:Asia, Africa, Central America, South America, Australia and other European countries. ④ 这几个词语让我们清楚地了 解了加拿大人口的构成比例。 Canada became a country in 1867, and for more than a hundred years, most immigrants in the country were from Europe. In the 1970s and 1980s, that changed. ⑤ According to a survey, the number of European immigrants dropped from 90 percent to 25 percent, and the number of Asian immigrants rose from 3 percent to 48 percent. ⑥ 具体数字的多次使用,增强了文章的说服力,使说明更准确。 Although Canada has two official languages—English and French, most Canadians do not speak both. Many immigrants speak two languages—the language of their first country and English or French. Canada welcomes cultural differences in the people who live there. So what is a Canadian That's a little hard to describe. Canada does not have one culture—it has many. It is important that people from different cultures can live together in one country. 恰当地使用破折号,起到了解释说明的作用。 Is there a Canadian food Not really. Is there a Canadian religion No. Is there a Canadian kind of music No again. Is there a Canadian way of understanding the world Yes. It‘s that people should respect and accept one another and help one another.⑦ It’s important to keep different languages, religions and customs alive.⑧ 文章结尾通过4个设问句,让读者更加了解加拿大这个国家。 1) Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1. What percent of Canadians are from the First Nations 2. What languages do most immigrants to Canada speak Three percent. The language of their first country and English or French. 3. Why are there many cultures in Canada 4. What's the Canadian way of understanding the world Because Canada welcomes cultural differences in the people who live there. People should respect and accept one another and help one another. 2) Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words. 1. He came back from _____ (Canada) three years ago, but he keeps in touch with his _____ (Canada) friends. 2. If you could travel to only one _____ (Europe) country, which one would you choose Canada Canadian Eur ... ...