ID: 21862397

Unit 4 Friends forever Developing ideas课件(共21张PPT,内镶嵌视频) 外研版(2019)高中英语必修第一册.1

日期:2024-12-26 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:79次 大小:70467056B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Book1 Unit4 Friends forever Read the information and guess who he is. Warming up He is a famous American writer of short stories. He focused on the everyday life of ordinary people. He is also called the father of the modern American short stories. His stories are best known for the surprise endings. O. Henry He is known as an American life encyclopedia (百科全书). In these endings, there will be a sudden twist that results in an unexpected change of the characters’ inner world, experience or destiny, thus creating an unexpected yet understandable and dramatic, as well as more memorable ending for its readers. Read the short introduction to O. Henry Background information Read the short introduction to O. Henry. Background information Major Works Read the background of the story and observe the picture. What are the settings of the story Who are the characters What were they doing Time: at night Location: outside a shop in New York Environment/Surroundings: cold, quiet, and dark a policeman a man who has a scar on his face the man was lighting a cigar and chatting with the policeman Basic elements of a short story The basict elements of a short story should include settings, characters and plot. Read the story quickly and get the key information. Read for information New York, outside a shop on a cold, dark night a policeman a man a policeman is waiting for appointment An appointment Read the story again and answer the questions. Read for answers What was the appointment Why did they separate twenty years ago Did they keep in touch during the twenty years Did they value their friendship What were the personalities of them Read the story again and answer the questions. Read for answers They agreed that they would meet there again exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what their conditions might be or from what distance they might have to come. 1. What was the appointment Personalities The man Jimmy responsible responsible punctual punctual Read the story again and answer the questions. Read for answers 2. Why did they separate twenty years ago The man: started for the West to make his fortune. Jimmy: stayed in New York because no one could drag him out of New York and he thought it was the only place on earth. adventurous ambitious stubborn conservative Personalities The man Jimmy adventurous ambitious stubborn conservative Jimmy: the only place The man: make a fortune Westward Movement At the end of the 18th century, in response to the government’s call, Americans expanded westward for economic opportunities . The Wild West became lawless, violent and chaotich(混乱的) in the absence of social restraints (限制). Read the story again and answer the questions. Read for answers 3. Did they keep in touch during the twenty years For a time they corresponded but after a year or two they lost track of each others. v. 通信 失去联系 Read the story again and answer the qu ... ...

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