外研版必修三 Unit 1 Knowing me, knowing you背诵积累学案 类型 好句记忆 动作 情感 描写 Embarrassed and ashamed, I can’t concentrate on anything. 我既尴尬又羞愧,做什么事都无法集中精力。 I’m in a total mess here--hope you can help me out. 我这儿一团糟,———希望您能帮帮我。 I was just letting off steam really, because I was so angry. 我其实只是发泄一下怒气,因为我很生气。 Take a deep breath, calm down, and always remember: think first, speak later. 深呼吸,冷静下来,并始终牢记:三思而后行。 So have a chat with your teammate.Tell him directly and honestly that you were talking without thinking. 找你那位队友聊聊吧。坦诚地告诉他你当时的话没有经过认真考虑。 Praised in class, Anne felt happy as well as ashamed. 在班里受到表扬时,安妮既高兴又羞愧。 How would you feel if you discovered that the people closet to you had been hiding the truth from you 如果你发现身边最亲近的人对你隐瞒了真相,你又会作何感想呢? 实用结构 事实陈述 I'm crazy about basketball, and pretty good at it too, which is probably why I was so mad when we lost our last match. 我酷爱篮球,而且打得也挺好,也许正因如此,在我们队输掉了最近的比赛时我相当恼怒。 If you feel one of your teammates isn’t pulling their weight, then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach. 如果你觉得你的队友没有尽责,那你要以专业的方式向教练提出你的担心! If you think about other people’s feelings as well as your own, you’ll soon find everything works out.如果你能在考虑自己感受的同时也考虑别人的感受,很快你就会发现一切都好了。 Filled with anger, you tend to say whatever comes to your mind. 满腔怒火的时候,你往往想到什么就说什么。 One of the main reasons for telling a white lie is to try to make others feel better. 说善意谎言的一个主要原因是为了照顾别人的感受。 Perhaps we are lying to protect ourselves from the disappointment and anger of others.也许我们撒谎只是为了不让别人失望和生气,以免殃及自身。 Wouldn’t it be better to respect their concern for you and ask for their advice 尊重他们对你的关心,向他们寻求建议不是更好吗? Don’t always complain about people. Try to look on the bright side. 不要抱怨他人,试着看到事物的积极一面。 主题意义 表达观点 Loose lips sink ships. 祸从口出。 Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive. 啊,谎言一旦开始,我们须得织就一张错综复杂的网。 核心语法 Basic sentence structures Disappointed by his behaviour, I said all this to my best friend.我对他的行为感到失望,我把这些全部告诉了我最好的朋友。 Approached in this way, your friendship will soon be repaired. 通过这种方式处理,你们的友谊很快就会恢复。 Treated this way, you’re sure to feel hurt. 被这样对待,你一定会觉得受到了伤害。 外研版必修三 Unit 1 Knowing me, knowing you 背诵积累检测 I. 好句重现。 1. . 祸从口出。 2. . 我既尴尬又羞愧,做什么事都无法集中精力。 . 深呼吸,冷静下来,并始终牢记:三思而后行。 . 不要抱怨他人,试着看到事物的积极一面。 . 我其实只是发泄一下怒气,因为我很生气。 II. 用所给词块的正确形式填空。 be crazy about, in a total mess, pull one’s weight, tend to, protect onese ... ...
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