课件网) 教材习题 Unit 1 Face values 01 Understanding ideas Starting out Activity 1 Watch the video and answer the questions. Activity 1 How many kinds of Peking Opera masks are mentioned in the video What do they represent 【Suggest Answer: Six. A red mask represents a hero with positive characteristics such as honesty and loyalty. A black mask represents a bold but rough character, who is serious, fair and selfless. A blue mask represents a character who is upright and brave in the face of challenges. A yellow mask represents a fierce character. A white mask represents a character who is disloyal, clever and aims to do harm. Xiaohualian, a black and white mask painted on and round the actor's nose, represents a character who is funny and entertaining, and who easily wins the audience's affection.】 Activity 【Suggest Answer: In the first picture, there are four yellow ducklings standing together, one grey duckling standing alone and a swan flying in the sky. In the second picture, there is a tiger who is smelling a red flower. In the third picture, there is a cat who is looking in the mirror and imagining itself as a lion.】 Starting out Activity 2 1 What can you see in the three pictures Activity 【Suggest Answer: In the first picture, the grey duckling may feel lonely and different, and unfairly left out by the other ducklings because of the way it looks. Perhaps it dreams of becoming a beautiful and graceful swan one day. In the second picture, the tiger looks gentle, sweet and thoughtful, showing its delicate and vulnerable side. In the third picture, even though the cat is small, it sees itself as being strong and powerful, like a lion.】 Starting out Activity 2 2 What does each of the pictures tell you about the characters Activity 【Suggest Answer: Don't judge someone by their appearance, but look beyond it to find their inner beauty It's okay to show your vulnerable side sometimes. Don't let the way you look stop you from achieving your dreams and ambitions.】 Starting out Activity 2 3 What can you learn from the pictures Understanding ideas Activity 2. Read the passage and find out what attitude each person has towards their looks. Activity 【Answer: Jade is too obsessed with selfie apps, editing and posting selfies for hours every day, which shows that she craves others’ attention to make up for her lack of confidence towards her look. Although Anthony used to not care about his appearance, his attitude changed after a makeover experience. He realised that there is value in making an effort with the way you present yourself. Emma had always been ashamed of being larger than other girls, until she came to realise that mental and physical health is more beautiful and important than being skinny and unhealthy, and that confidence itself is attractive.】 Activity 3. Choose the purpose of the passage Activity 1 To persuade people to edit their photos less. 2 To prove that external be ... ...