
Unit7 I like this reading-room第一课时课件

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:57次 大小:13628842Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit7 I like this reading-room. 元音 /ɑ:/ / :/ / :/ /i:/ /u:/ /e/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /e / /a / / / / / /e / / / / / /a / 辅音 /p/-/b/ /t/-/d/ /k/-/g/ /f/-/v/ /θ/-/ / /s/-/z/ / /-/ / /ts/-/dz/ /t /-/d / /tr/-/dr/ /h/ /l/ /r/ /j/ /w/ /m/ /n/ / / 1.How happy I am! I’ve got a name. 2.Which is my name? 3.Just a minute. It’s ready. 4.Oh, another bad name. 5.Hey! Please wait! We sound the same ! 6.Well, a little bit. But not the same. 7. Hello! I’m your friend. 8.Yes, we are friends. 9.Can we be friends 10.Yes,we are in the same family. 11.Same family word. This way, please! 12.A, e, i, o, u. A, e, i, o, u. 13. This way, please! Meet your new friends! 14. There is a word game book for you! 15. Thank you! read The tiger is reading a book. room reading-room library [ la br r ] The differences between them: A reading room is a quiet room in a library or museum where you can read and study. A public library is a building where things such as books, newspapers, videos, and music are kept for people to read, use, or borrow. ??? 1. What can you see in a reading-room 2.What do you often(经常) do in a reading-room 3.Do you like reading Why animal book storybook I like reading storybooks. picture book cartoon [kɑ: tu:n] classroom They are studying in the classroom. subject art English Chinese maths PE music Presentation math [m θ] Chinese Chinese is my mother tongue. English music She is listening to music. PE Presentation (Physical Education) art science [ sa ns] reading-room 阅览室 library [ la br r ] 图书馆 animal book 动物书 storybook 故事书 picture book 图画书 cartoon [kɑ: tu:n] 卡通 Chinese 语文 maths [m θ] 数学 English 英语 music [ mju:z k] 音乐 PE 体育 art 美术 science 科学 Now it's text learning! 现在我们开始学习课文 9 10 8 7 6 11 1 2 5 4 3 12 小考听写 一.生词及短语 1.工厂 2.等待 3.声音 4.阅览室 5.动物书 6.故事书 7.图画书 8.卡通 9.数学 10.语文 11.英语 12.音乐 13.体育 14.美术 二.句子 15.在房间里有一台电视。 三.快乐 16.祖父 17.爷爷 18.祖母 19.奶奶 20.兄弟 21.姐妹 22.儿子 23.女儿 24.祝你生日快乐! 25.让我们唱歌吧。 26.这是我的父亲。 27.让我看看你妹妹的照片。 一.生词及短语 1.factory 2.wait 3.sound 4.reading-room 5.animal book 6.storybook 7.picture book 8.cartoon 9.math 10.Chinese 11.English 12.music 13.PE 14.art 二.句子 15.There is a TV in the room. There isn’t a TV in the room. Yes, there is. Is there a TV in the room No, there isn’t. 三.快乐 16.grandfather 17.grandpa 18.grandmother 19.grandma 20.brother 21.sister 22.son 23.daughter 24.Happy birthday to you! 25.Let’s sing. 26.This is my father. 27.Show me your sister’s photo. 小考听写 Homework 1.听磁带10分钟背U7课文。 2.U7笔记内容 各写5英5音1汉背写下来。 3.3年快乐单词35-42 句子15-17 各写3英1汉背写下来。 ... ...

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