ID: 20581137

Module 10 On the radioe 检测卷 (含听力音频+解析+听力原文)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:25次 大小:3106004B 来源:二一课件通
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    Module 10 On the radioe 测试卷 2023-2024学年外研版八年级英语下册 一、听力选择 1.What type of TV programme is Millie’s favourite A. B. C. 2.What is Li Ming doing A.He is visiting a TV station. B.He is visiting a radio station. C.He is visiting a school. 3.What kind of TV shows does Jane like A.Sitcoms. B.Comedies. C.Talent shows. 4.Where does the man work A.In a radio station. B.At a train station. C.At a bus station. 5.How often does Lin Tao go to the movies A.Never. B.Once a week. C.Three times a week. 6. A.I like the movie. B.Wonderful, I think. C.I don’t think so. 7. A.On the blackboard. B.On the bus station. C.On the TV shows. 8. A.I am a teacher. B.I want to be a presenter. C.I want to learn music. 9. A.I like it a lot. B.Because it’s relaxing. C.I watch TV for about two hours. 10. A.I often go swimming. B.Twice a week. C.I don’t mind it. 听对话, 回答下列小题。 11.What is Mike doing now A.He is playing basketball. B.He is playing volleyball. C.He is watching TV. 12.Which of the following does Mike like A.Animal World. B.Sports shows. C.Computer Games 13.What does Mike think of the news A.He likes it very much. B.He thinks it’s boring. C.He thinks it’s interesting. 听对话,回答以下各小题。 14.What do Sarah’s classmates like A.The news. B.Talk shows. C.Sports shows. 15.How does Henry like the talk shows A.Interesting. B.Wonderful. C.Boring. 16.Is the news Sarah’s favorite TV show A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn’t. C.We don’t know. 本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 17.Why doesn’t Tara watch TV on school days A.Because she gets home too late. B.Because she has lots of homework to do. C.Because her parents don’t want her to do that. 18.When does Tara watch a cartoon A.On Friday afternoon. B.On Saturday evening. C.On Sunday afternoon. 19.What is the cartoon about A.Two cute girls. B.The history of books. C.How to learn history. 20.How long does Just for Laugh last A.For half an hour. B.For an hour. C.For two hours. 21.How does Tara like Just for Laugh A.Boring. B.Educational. C.Funny. 二、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Today, there are many popular TV talent shows all over China. 22 For some lucky people, these talent shows may make them become famous. 23 First, some young people just imitate (模仿) the people they admire. They lose their own style. Second, the young people spend too much time on such TV shows. They always dream of being stars. 24 25 Young people can join in these activities to get some social experience (经验). But they should know that the chance to become famous is small for most people. 26 It is their studies. A.So they should work hard on something that is more important for them. B.These talent shows give everyone a chance (机会) to show his or her talent. C.However, there are also many bad sides. D ... ...

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