ID: 21522178

沪教版(2024)七年级上册Unit5 Off to space Section2、3 课件+音频(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:89次 大小:4818547B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Off to space Section 2 3 Grammar Section 2 Exploring and applying rules A The simple future (will) We use the simple future to talk about future events. Mr Green and Mrs Green are talking about the advertisement for the Starlight Hotel. Pay attention to the words in bold. 四口之家 1 Mr Green is talking to his wife about the plete their conversation using will (’ll) or will not (won’t) and the words in brackets. Mr Green: Let’s visit the Starlight Hotel for our next holiday! Mrs Green: That’s a good idea. What (1) _____ (we / see) when we get to the hotel Mr Green: Lots of things! (2) _____ (We / see) the whole Earth, for example. Mrs Green: Wonderful! (3) _____ (we / see) Mars too Mr Green: No, (4) _____, but I’m sure (5) _____ (there / be) wonderful views of the Moon from the Moon Garden. Mrs Green: I see! (6) _____ (Tim / be) interested to come with us Mr Green: Oh yes, definitely! (7) _____ (He / enjoy) the trip. will we see We will see Will we see we won’t there will be Will Tim be He will enjoy B The simple future (be going to) We can use the pattern be + going to + verb to talk about future plans. What are Mr Green and his pets thinking about Read the thought bubbles and pay attention to the words in bold. 也 2 Mr Green is telling his son about his plan. Complete their conversation using be (not) going to and the words in brackets. Mr Green: Come here, Tim. (1) _____ (I / tell) you something exciting. (2) _____ (We / have) a holiday in the Starlight Hotel! Tim: Great! (3) _____ (we / visit) it tomorrow Mr Green: No, (4) _____. (5) _____ (We / visit) the hotel next week! Tim: (6) _____ (we / bring) the dogs to the hotel Mr Green: No. (7) _____ (They / stay) here. Tim: (8) _____ (Aunt Alice / look after them) when we are away Mr Green: Yes. I’ve asked her to help. I am going to tell We are going to have Are we going to visit we aren’t We are going to visit Are we going to bring They are going to stay Is Aunt Alice going to look after 3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about what the Greens will see and do during their stay at the Starlight Hotel. Section 3 Expressing and communicating ideas Speaking Talking about plans for a trip to space Imagine that you are going to go on a trip to space. Talk in pairs about your plan for the trip. S1: Life in space is quite different from life on Earth. What will you prepare for your trip S2: I will pack ... S1: What are you going to do when you are in the spaceship S2: I’m going to ... S1: Where will you travel, and what will you do there be different from 与……不同 为……做准备 打包 Improving your pronunciation Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the letters in blue. Writing Writing a post about a dream trip to space 1 David drew a mind map before he wrote about his dream plete the mind map and then read the post to see if you were right. 梦想 d c b a 看起来像 参观空间站 进入轨道 洗手 刷牙 用一种不同的方式 到达 看… ... ...

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