ID: 21522171

Unit 4 The Earth Section1 课件(共25张PPT) 沪教版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:49次 大小:8971758B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 The Earth Key question What should we learn about the Earth Section 1 Unit objectives I can: share some amazing facts about the Earth. understand why the sea is important, and how pollution is harming sea animals. describe the problems our planet is facing. explain ways to protect the Earth. First thoughts Think What amazing facts do you know about the Earth What do you know about the sea What problems is the Earth facing What can we do to protect the Earth Section 1 Experiencing and understanding language Reading Before you read 1 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words and the phrase below. the solar system the Sun the Earth the Earth clouds land the sea 2 Complete the fact file with the words and phrases from Exercise 1. The Earth the Sun the sea land clouds the solar system 大约 绕着……运行 be covered by 被……覆盖 据我们所知 Read the science magazine article and find out some amazing facts about the Earth. 非常寒冷 海平面以上 over = more than 超过 The plants on Earth are wonderful in many different ways. The tallest trees in the world can reach over 100 metres in height. The smallest plant is as small as a grain of rice. The Earth is home to millions of animals. Some, like tigers and lions, live on land. Other animals, like birds, enjoy the wide open sky. Big blue whales call the sea home, along with many amazing fish. From bears to birds, from butterflies to seahorses, animals make our planet lovely and interesting. 在很多不同方面 v. 达到 在高度上 as … as 和……一样 be home to 是…的家园 / 产地 数以百万计的 与……一起 And what’s more, the Earth provides us with all the things we need, such as food, water, air and energy. It is our home and the only planet we know that supports life. Let’s explore, learn about and take care of our home. 除此之外 provide sb. with sth. 给…提供… 例如 探索 了解 照顾 Reading strategy Identifying the topic sentence of a paragraph The topic sentence of a paragraph introduces the main idea. It is usually at the beginning or the end of the paragraph. For example, the topic sentence of paragraph 3 above is The plants on Earth are wonderful in many different ways. Can you find more topic sentences in the article 中心思想 Reading comprehension 1 Find sentences in the article on page 53 to go with these photos. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ There are fields and mountains, rivers and sea, forests and deserts. The tallest trees in the world can reach over 100 metres in height. The smallest plant is as small as a grain of rice. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Some, like tigers and lions, live on land. Other animals, like birds, enjoy the wide open sky. Big blue whales call the sea home, along with many amazing fish. And what’s more, the Earth provides us with all the things we need, such as food, water, air and energy. 2 Read the article again and find evidence to support the statements below. (1) There are both hot a ... ...

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