ID: 21522177

Unit 5 Off to space Section1 课件 (共20张PPT) 沪教版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:100次 大小:8625350B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Off to space Key question What is it like to travel in space Section 1 Unit objectives I can: talk about what a trip to the Moon would be like. talk about what astronauts can do in space. present my plan for a trip to space. describe some important Chinese space missions. First thoughts 做科学实验 go into space 进入太空 Think What would a trip to the Moon be like What can we do in space How will you prepare for a trip to space How have Chinese people explored space over the years 为……作准备 Section 1 Experiencing and understanding language Reading Before you read 1 Match the words and the phrase with the parts of the picture below. space the Moon the Earth space station spaceship spacesuit 2 Discuss in pairs what astronauts can do in space. Read Li Jun’s diary entry and think about what a trip to the Moon would be like. ……之一 进入太空旅行 take sb. to sp. 带某人去某地 四处飘浮 睡袋 need to do 需要 tie … to… 绑到……上 因为 变弱 不得不 做运动 be going to do 计划打算 穿宇航服 help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 take photos 照相 as…as sb. can 尽可能… be sure that… 确实 Reading strategy Recognizing cause and effect Writers often use conjunctions, such as because and so, to show cause (why something happened / will happen) and effect (what happened / will happen as a result). I’ll have to wear a spacesuit to help me breathe because there’s no air on the Moon. Can you find more examples of cause and effect in the diary entry 因果 Reading comprehension 1 Complete Li Jun’s travel plan with the information from the diary entry on page 69. the Moon 9:00 a.m. tomorrow spaceship about three days We will float around in the spaceship, won’t sleep in beds; our bodies may get weak; no air on the Moon Walk on the Moon, take as many photos as I can 2 Read Li Jun’s diary entry again and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Find evidence in the text to support your answers. (1) Li Jun is the only student to travel into space. T / F _____ (2) Li Jun is very excited about the trip. T / F _____ (3) Li Jun does not have to do exercise in space. T / F _____ (4) There are lots of strange sounds on the Moon. T / F _____ √ Tomorrow I will be one of the first students to travel into space. I’m so happy! I can’t wait! √ √ Because of the low gravity, our bodies may get weak, so we’ll have to do exercise every day. √ That also means there is no sound there. Your ideas 3 Discuss the questions below. Would you like to travel to the Moon Why or why not Vocabulary practice 1 Find the words in italics from the diary entry on page 69. Then match the sentence halves. (1) If something is low, (2) A kilometre (3) If something weighs 1,000 kg, (4) If you tie something, (5) When you breathe, a it is very heavy. b you take air into and send it out of your body. c is one thousand metres. d it is not very high. e you hold two or more things together with a rope (or something si ... ...

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