ID: 21522173

沪教版(2024)七年级上册Unit4 The Earth Section2、3 课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:47次 大小:4833954B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 The Earth Section 2 3 Section 2 Exploring and applying rules Grammar Su Mei and Su Wen are talking about how to protect the sea. Read the dialogue and pay attention to the words in bold and the underlined nouns and noun phrases. Using there is / are ... We often use there is ... or there are ... to say that something exists somewhere. 注意 be important to sb. 对某人很重要 越来越多 保护海洋 最终落得 当然 1 The bins are full at the end of the Beach Clean-up Day. What rubbish is there in each bin Look at the list below and write sentences with there is / there are. 在……末尾 可回收垃圾 剩余垃圾 厨余垃圾 有害垃圾 There are some fish bones in the green bin for food waste. There are some lithium batteries in the red bin for hazardous waste. 2 You want more people to take part in the Beach Clean-up Day. Prepare a short speech to ask people to join. Use the following questions to help you. Why are you asking people to take part in the Beach Clean-up Day What can you see on the beach What can people do to protect the sea ask sb. to do sth. try one’s best to do 尽力做某事 pick up 捡起来 Section 3 Expressing and communicating ideas Speaking Talking about the problems the Earth is facing Look at the photos below. Work in pairs and take turns asking and answering questions about the problems the Earth is facing. 轮流 S1: What problem is the Earth facing S2: People catch a lot of fish. There are fewer and fewer fish in the sea each year. ... 越来越少+不可数名词 化学品 越来越少 +可数名词复数 制造能量 有害气体 砍伐树木 Improving your pronunciation Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the letters in blue. Writing Writing an article about protecting the Earth 1 Think about how we can protect the Earth, and tick ( ) the things you are going to write about. You may add your own ideas. wonderful plants and animals; provide us with food, water, air and energy 水污染 因为 forests are becoming less and less too many cars and factories make the air dirty stop doing 停止做某事 save water and electricity at homei not waste food; plant more trees and flowers; walk or ride bikes to work or to school. 2 Now write an article about protecting the Earth. Step 1 Plan Organize the information in the notes on page 60. Step 2 Write Write your article. Protect our Earth high mountains, blue seas and beautiful rivers, wonderful plants and animals, And it provides us with all the things we need. there are many plastic bags and a lot of plastic rubbish on the beaches, All these things end up in the sea, so sea animals are dying because of plastic pollution. We should use less plastic things. For example, we can bring our own shopping bags to the supermarket.We should not throw rubbish everywhere. We can also tell others about the importance of protecting the Earth. Step 3 Check and revise Tick ( ) the boxes to check your writing, and then revise it. 主题句 THANKS ... ...

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