
Unit 2 My favourite season Part A A Let's talk课件(共33张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:14次 大小:12925573Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) PEP 五下 Unit 2 My favourite season Part A Let's talk Unit 2 My favourite season A Let's talk Guessing game 1 (根据你看到的图片猜内容) What’s the weather like in spring spring windy and warm What’s the weather like in summer summer sunny and hot What’s the weather like in autumn autumn windy and cool What’s the weather like in winter winter windy and cold Guessing game 2 温暖的 snowy cool warm 春 天 summer spring fall summer 春 天 秋 天 夏 天 cold cool hot 凉爽的 Q & A 1. What song do the children like 2. Which season does Mike like best Why 3.Which season does Wu Binbin like best Why The Four Seasons. Winter. He likes snow. Spring. It's pretty. Group work -Which season do you like best -I like…Spring/summer/fall/winter. It is warm/hot/cool/cold. Report ... likes ... best. It's .... 如:Zoom likes winter best. It's .... What's your favourite season My favourite season is .... It's .... I like ... best. It's .... favourite = like best What’s your favourite season What season do you like best I like _____ best. spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter Pair-work -Which season do you like best -I like…spring/summer/autumn/winter best. It is warm/hot/cool/cold. How about you -I like…. It is warm/hot/cool/cold. 课堂练习 Rearrange the sentences.(连词组句) 1. do like best Which season you Which season do you like best 2. My season is fall favourite. My favourite season is fall. 3. always Summer sunny hot is and. Summer is always sunny and hot. Which season ___ ____ ____ ____ Winter do you like best _____ do you like best _____. Which _____ season Summer 知识扩展 Thank you!

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