
Unit 20 An ordinary life Lesson 40 课件(60张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:55次 大小:40921239Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) An ordinary life Unit 20 Lesson 40 Part 01 New Words 序号 单词 音标 词性 汉义 1 abroad [ ′br d] adv. 到国外,在国外 2 spend [spend] v. 度过 (时间) 3 promise [′pr m s] v. 承诺,答应 4 pay for [′pe ,f ] v.+prep. 付(款) 5 ticket [′t k t] n. 车票 6 apartment [ ′pɑ tm nt] n. 公寓 New Words Part 02 Vocabulary 消耗,花费(精力等);(尤指)用尽(全力) Vocabulay spend [spend] v.度过 (时间) 1.spend (money) 2.spend (time) 3.spend (force) eg.How much did you spend eg.How long do you spend on your homework eg.For the past month he's been spending all his energy trying to find a job. 花费;用,花(钱) 花(时间);度过 过去的一个月里,他竭尽全力想找份工作。 你做家庭作业用多长时间 你花了多少钱 spend的主语必须是人 spend time/money on sth. spend time/money (in)doing sth. spend money for sth. 在……上花费时间(金钱). 花费时间(金钱)做某事. 花钱买…… promise sb.to do sth. 答应某人做某事 Vocabulay promise [′pr m s] v.承诺,答应 1. promise (say certainly) 2.Promise (be expected) 3. promise n.许诺,允诺;希望 vi.给人以…的指望或希望 eg. He promised faithfully to call me every week. eg.lt promises to pe a really eXClting game. make a promise 许下诺言 允诺,答应;保证 预计会很好/激动人心等 keep one"s promose 保守诺言 预计这会是一场非常精彩的比赛。 他信誓旦旦地保证每周都给我打电话。 break one's promise 打破诺言,说话不算数 Vocabulay abroad [ ′br d] adv.到国外,在国外 1. abroad [after verb](other country) 在国外;到国外 eg. We always go abroad in the summer. 我们夏天总是到国外去。 2. abroad [after verb] (outside) 在室外;到室外 eg. Not a soul was abroad that morning. 那天上午,户外空无一人。 3.abroad [after verb] (going around) 广为流传的 eg. There's a rumour abroad that she intends to leave the company. 到处都在传言说她要离开公司。 注意是副词,不是名词,因此不能与 in, to, at 等介词连用;其前也不用冠词: 正:He went abroad last year. 他去年出国了。 误:He went to abroad last year. ticket n. 车票 ticket evader 逃票者 single ticket 单程票 Vocabulay pay for…… pay for sth 为……付出代价 赔偿;为…而付钱;为…付出代价 to pay cash for 付现金;现钱购买 Vocabulay pay for v+prep.付款 序号 单词 音标 词性 汉义 1 abroad [ ′br d] adv. 到国外,在国外 2 spend [spend] v. 度过 (时间) 3 promise [′pr m s] v. 承诺,答应 4 pay for [′pe ,f ] v.+prep. 付(款) 5 ticket [′t k t] n. 车票 6 apartment [ ′pɑ tm nt] n. 公寓 Vocabulary Part 03 Pattern Practice Pattern Practice Pattern Practice A:What are you going to do tomorrow B:I'm going to do some shopping. A:Are you going to do some shopping tomorrow B:Yes, l am. A:Can l come, too B:Yes, of course.I'll see you in town. A:You're going to do some shopping, aren't you B:Yes, l am. Do you want to do some shopping, too A:Yes.I'll see you in town. A:Are you going to do some shopping tomorrow B:Yes,I am. And I'll see you in town. l promise. A:Are you going to go to the cinema the day after tomorrow B:Yes,I am. And I’ll meet you outside. l promise. A:What are you going to do the day after tomorrow B:I'm ... ...

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