
Unit 23 Quite tall ... and quite striking Lesson 45 课件(35张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:55次 大小:17565901Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 23 Lesson 45 Quite tall ... and quite striking! Part 1 Warm-up Part 2 New Words striking [‘stra k ] adj.极为漂亮的,引人注目的 send [send] (sb.sth.) v.(ditransitive)送,寄 face [fe s] n.脸,面孔 file [fa l] n.档案,文件 messenger [‘mes nd ] n.送信人,信使 How far ... ……有多远 anyone [‘eniw n] pron.任何人 height [ha t] n.高,高度 foot [f t] n.(measurement)英尺 have a look fixed phrase看一看 later [‘le t ] adv.较晚地,后来 centimetre [‘sent ,mi t ] n.厘米 New Words later face foot file anyone send striking messenger height have a look centimetre How far ... Part 3 Read and Learn Daisy wants to take fashion photos for some new models, so she is talking with Cleo who is from a model company... Read and Learn Listening -Who are they talking about -Sandy -How tall is Sandy -She's one metre eighty-two. Let’s Watch DAISY: …So, Cleo, that’s the news. Can you send me your New Faces file CLEO: Of course, Daisy. I’ll send a messenger. CLEO: How far is it to your house from here DAISY: It’s about 45 miles. CLEO: That’s not far. You’ll have the pictures by two o’clock. Read and Learn v.送,寄 send sb sth/send sth to sb(把某物送给某人) n.脸,面孔 n.送信人,信使 (派来一个信使) 疑问副词 ……有多远 不可数名词 不迟于,在…之前 DAISY: I get the picture. Is there anyone special CLEO: There’s Sandy. She’s quite tall. DAISY: How tall DAISY: Good. What are they like CLEO: Well, all the girls are quite young. One of them is very young. Her mother comes with her. Read and Learn pron.任何人 特别的 …怎么样? …中的一个 明白了 come with sb 和某人一起来 CLEO: She’s one meter eighty-two. DAISY: What height is that Just a moment … OK, it’s about five foot eleven. That’s very tall. CLEO: Yes, she’s quite striking. I’ll send the file now. DAISY: Thanks, Cleo. I’ll have a look. I’ll call you tomorrow. CLEO: Thanks, Daisy. Bye! Read and Learn adj.极为漂亮的,引人注目的 file [fa l] n.档案,文件 n.高,高度 5英尺11英寸 foot n.英尺 看一看 Read and Learn DAISY: …So, Cleo, that’s the news. Can you send me your New Faces File CLEO: Of course, Daisy. I’ll send a messenger. How far is it from your house to here DAISY: It’s about 45 miles. CLEO: That’s not far. You’ll have the pictures by two o’clock. DAISY: Good. What are they like CLEO: Well, all the girls are quite young. One of them is very young. Her mother comes with her. DAISY: I get the picture. Is there anyone special CLEO: There’s Sandy. She’s quite tall. DAISY: How tall CLEO: She’s one meter eighty-two. DAISY: What height is that Just a moment … OK, it’s about five foot eleven. That’s very tall. CLEO: Yes, she’s quite striking. I’ll send the file now. DAISY: Thanks, Cleo. I’ll have a look. I’ll call you tomorrow. CLEO: Thanks, Daisy. Bye! Is it about 95 miles from Daisy’s house No, it isn’t. How far is it About 45 miles. Daisy will have the pictures by 4 o’clock, won’t she No, she won’t. When will she have the pictures By 2 o’ ... ...

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