
Unit 6 Jobs Dream it, possible 说课 课件(68张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:48次 大小:117988326Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit6 Jobs MBTI “E” person “I” person TEST “I” Person VS “E” Person Who are you 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 7 8 9 10 “I” Person VS “E” Person Who are you MBTI Job--Dream it , possible! inputting involving Learn to explore Learn to involve Learn to expect Dream it, possible! Learn to explore Learn to expect Learn to involve Dream it, possible! 2 Who to teach 3 Where to go 4 How to teach 1 What to teach Teaching is a journey. start Contents The course book Contents The course book Contents The course book Contents The course book The fourth graders The students My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I want to be a/an.... What is a job want to be can be complex choice The reorganized content place complex choice personality hobby ability action duty The reorganized content place duty personality hobby ability The reorganized content personality hobby ability action place duty Reorganize Contents The reorganized content Learn to explore Learn to expect Learn to involve Dream it, possible! Learn to explore involve Essential question:What’s your suitable job in the future Period 1: Dream job, know it Period2: Dream job, involve it Period3: Dream job,enjoy it How to support them to explore Essential question:What’s your suitable job in the future Period 1: Dream job, know it Task 1.Know basic information of each jobs 2.Know professional qualities of each jobs 3.Know values of each jobs Period2: Dream job, involve it Task 1.What affects your job choice 2.Choose your dream job 3.Get closer to your dream job Period3: Dream job,enjoy it Activities 1.listen and complete it 2.ask and answer,show it 3.match, describe it and show it 4.choose ,stand in line 5.discuss it ,tell the reason Activities 1.Do a test. read the text 2.judge and circle 3.complete the part of the plan 4.match and say 5.report it How to support them to explore K C Tasks Tasks K K C C C Essential question:What’s your suitable job in the future Period 1: Dream job, know it Period2: Dream job, involve it Period3: Dream job,enjoy it How to support them to explore K C now the working place and duty of each jobs. K now the proffessional quality ofeach jobs. K now the value of each jobs. hoose it in personality. C hoose it in hobby. C hoose it in ability. C lose to it in action. Tasks Tasks Essential question:What’s your suitable job in the future Period 1: Dream job, know it Period2: Dream job, involve it Period3: Dream job,enjoy it Activities 1.listen and complete it 2.ask and answer,show it 3.match, describe it and show it 4.choose ,stand in line 5.discuss it ,tell the reason How to support them to explore K C now the working place and duty of each jobs. K now the proffessional quality ofeach jobs. K now the value of each jobs. hoose it in personality. C hoose it in hobby. C hoose it in ability. C lose to it in action. Tasks Tasks Activities 1.Do a test. 2.Define it. 3.describe or choose 4.share 5.circle 6.tour t ... ...

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