
Unit 24 A quiz Lesson 47 课件(共67张PPT)

日期:2024-09-17 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:24次 大小:27608363Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 24 Lesson 47 A quiz Part 1 Warm-up Warm-up! Unit 24 A quiz Warm-up! North America Unit 24 A quiz Warm-up! South America Unit 24 A quiz Warm-up! Europe Unit 24 A quiz Warm-up! Asia Unit 24 A quiz Warm-up! Africa Unit 24 A quiz Warm-up! Antarctica Unit 24 A quiz Warm-up! Australia Warm-up! North America South America Europe Asia Africa Antarctica Australia The British Isles 大不列颠群岛 The Ben Nevis 本尼维斯山 注:本尼维斯山是不列颠群岛最高的山峰,位于英国苏格兰西部。 Warm-up Warm-up The Nile the longest river The Amazon The second longest river Warm-up Part 2 New Words New Words quiz /kw z/ n.问答比赛;小测验 try out (on) v.+adv.particle (transitive)(+ prep.+object)试一试 than / n/ conj.(comparison)比 continent /'k nt n nt/ n.大陆,洲 low /l / adj .低的 population density /,p pj 'le n 'dens ti/compound n.人口密度 trick question /tr k 'kwest n/ compound n.陷阱问题(看似容易其实困难的问题) square mile /skwe 'ma l/ compound n.平方英里 obviously /' bvi sli/ adv.(viewpoint)(manner)明显地 answer /'ɑ ns / n.回答,回复 飞翔的海鸥 飞翔的海鸥 Games 「飞过那片茫茫人海 下个路口直走或转弯」 continent try out on square mile quiz than low population density trick question answer obviously Part 3 Text Listening and Answer How many people are there to the square mile in Australia lt has only six people to the square mile. Aswer the question. Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Robert and Lucy are talking about the quiz. Read and Learn ROBERT: Lucy, I’m writing a quiz for my class, and I want to try it out. Can I try it out on you, please LUCY: OK. Read and Learn n.问答比赛;小测验 try out (on) 试一试 ROBERT: Which is the highest mountain in the British Isles LUCY: It’s Ben Nevis, of course! Read and Learn 最高的 大不列颠群岛 本尼维斯山 ROBERT: What’s the longest river in the world LUCY: I’m not sure. Is it the Nile, or the Amazon ROBERT: It’s the Nile. I looked it up yesterday. The Nile is longer than the Amazon. Read and Learn 最长的 尼罗河 亚马孙河 Conj.比 LUCY:  Is it ROBERT: Yes. They’re both long rivers. It isn’t obvious, is it LUCY: No. It’s a good question. Read and Learn adj.明显的 两个都 ROBERT: Which continent has the lowest population density LUCY: Goodness, Robert!I don’t know!Australia Read and Learn adj.低的 n.大陆,洲 n.人口密度 澳大利亚 ROBERT: No! It’s a trick question. Australia’s a continent, and it has only six people to the square mile. But obviously, the answer is ‘Antarctica’! Read and Learn n.平方英里 n.陷阱问题(看似容易其实困难的问题) adv.明显地 n.回答,回复 南极洲 ROBERT: What’s the longest river in the world LUCY: I’m not sure. Is it the Nile, or the Amazon ROBERT: It’s the Nile. I looked it up yesterday. The Nile is longer than the Amazon. ROBERT: Which is the highest mountain in the British Isles LUCY: It’s Ben Nevis, of course! ROBERT: Lucy, I’m writing a quiz for my class, and I ... ...

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