ID: 21387670

外研版八年级上册Module 6 Animals in danger.Unit 2教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:41次 大小:323516B 来源:二一课件通
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Teaching Design Teaching content Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all Lesson type Reading & writing Time 1 period Analysis of material 1. The main content This lesson is from Unit 2 Module 6 of Grade 8. It focuses on animals’ protection. 2. The type of this unit This is an expository about pandas are in danger and how to protect them. It is mainly organized from three parts: an introduction about pandas, the reasons why they are in danger and the measures. In the text, we can find out some information about the importance of protecting pandas and the effort of the WWF to protect them. Analysis of students Student status 1. Students are in the first term of grade two in junior middle school. They have mastered some words and expressions to read the text about the animals in danger, but they might lack of skills to express their ideas of protecting the animals in danger. 2. They are interested in the topic, but they may be too shy to express their own thought. Teaching objectives After learning this lesson, students will be able to 1. Generalize the main idea about protecting the animals in danger by skimming the text. (understanding) 2. Analyze what scientists, government and the WWF have done to protect pandas. (Analyzing) 3. Summarize the measures to protect the animals in danger by using the knowledge learned in this lesson. (Applying) 4. Express the importance of protecting animals and the measures to protect them in combination with their real life. (Transferring & Creating) Key points Grasp the main idea and specific information of protecting the animals in danger. Express the importance of protecting animals and the measures to protect them in combination with their real life. Difficult point Express the importance of protecting animals and the measures to protect them in combination with their real life. Teaching method Task-based Language Teaching Method Task 1 Discussion--lead students to read and think critically. Task 2 Report--encourage students to take part in the class actively. Learning method Initiative Learning Cooperative Learning Exploratory Learning Teaching aids Blackboard, projector Teaching procedures Activating the theme(6mins) Exploring the text (18mins) Deepening understanding (8mins) Probing into the theme (8mins) Summary & Homework (5mins) Teacher activity Student activity Activating the theme(6mins) 1. Guessing game. 2. Teach the new phrases. a symbol of, in danger 1. Guessing game. 2. Learn the new phrases. a symbol of, in danger Purpose 1. To arouse students’ interest and help them focus on today’s topic. 2. To lay the foundation for later reading. Core competence Language competence--to express their opinions. Exploring the text (18mins) 1. Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs. 2. Generalize the structure. 3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions. 1. Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs. 2. Generalize the structure. 3. Read the passage carefu ... ...

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