ID: 21438451

人教版八年级上册英语 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Section A 3a - 3c 英文教案

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:38次 大小:23152B 来源:二一课件通
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课题 人教版八年级上册英语Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section A 3a - 3c 教案 班级 备课教师 课型 第3课时 课时 1 一、Teaching Objectives 1. Language knowledge objectives Students will be able to master the new words such as "sugar", "cheese", "popcorn", "corn", and "machine". Students will understand and be able to use the imperative sentences and the words indicating sequence like "first", "next", "then", and "finally" to describe the process of making food. Students will be able to use "how many" and "how much" correctly to ask about the quantity of countable and uncountable nouns in the context of food making. 2. Language skills objectives Reading skill: Students can read and understand the passage about food making and answer related questions. Writing skill: Students can write down the steps of making food accurately using the target language. Speaking skill: Students can have a conversation about making food and express themselves clearly. 3. Affective objectives Enhance students' interest in cooking and DIY activities. Cultivate students' teamwork spirit and communication skills through group activities. 二、Teaching Key and Difficult Points 1. Key points Master the new words and phrases related to food making. Understand and use the imperative sentences and sequence words to describe the process of making food. Use "how many" and "how much" correctly to ask and answer about the quantity of ingredients. 2. Difficult points Distinguish and use countable and uncountable nouns correctly when asking about the quantity of ingredients. Describe the food-making process fluently and accurately in oral English. 三、Teaching Methods 1. Task-based teaching method: Design various tasks for students to complete, such as reading comprehension, writing, and oral practice, to help them master the language knowledge and skills. 2. Communicative teaching method: Encourage students to communicate and interact with each other in pairs or groups to improve their speaking skills and cooperative ability. 3. Situational teaching method: Create real-life situations related to food making to make the teaching content more vivid and interesting. 四、Teaching Aids 1. Multimedia: Use PPT, pictures, and videos to present the teaching materials and create an interesting learning environment. 2. Real objects: Prepare some food ingredients and tools to demonstrate the food-making process. 五、Teaching Procedure Step 1: Lead-in (5 minutes) 1. Show some pictures of delicious food and drinks on the PPT, such as banana milk shake, fruit salad, and sandwiches. Ask students: "Do you like these foods and drinks Do you know how to make them " 2. Have a short free talk with students about their favorite food and whether they have ever tried to make it at home. Step 2: Vocabulary Presentation (8 minutes) 1. Present the new words "sugar", "cheese", "popcorn", "corn", and "machine" on the PPT. Show pictures and examples to help students understand the meanings of the word ... ...

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