ID: 21480810

课文填空练习Units 1-13 (无答案)--2024-2025学年人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:87次 大小:63894B 来源:二一课件通
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U13 Many _____ 1(hear) of _____2(shark)fin soup. This _____ 3(fame) and expensive dish _____4 (be) 5(especial) popular in 6 (south) China. But do you realize that you _____ 7(kill) a whole shark each time you enjoy a bowl of 8(shark) fin soup When people catch_____ 9(shark), they cut o their _____ 10(fin) and throw the shark back into the ocean. This _____ 11(be) not only cruel, but also 12_____(harm) to the _____ 13(environmental). 14 (with) a fin, a shark can no _____ 15(long) swim and _____ 16(slow) _____ 17(die). _____ 18(shark) are at the top of the food chain in the 19 (ocean) ecosystem. If ___ 20(they)___21(number) drop too low, it _____22( bring ) ____ 23(dangerous)to all ocean life. Many believe that ____24( shark) can ____ 25(ever) be ____26(endanger) because they are 27 (strong) in ___ 28(them) food chain. But in fact, around 70 29( million) sharks 30 (catch) and _ __31( trade) in this industry every year. The numbers of some ___ 32(kind) of sharks _____ 33(fall) by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30___ 34(year). __ _ 35(environment) 36(protect)__ __37 (group) around the world, such as WildAid and the WWF, __ ___ 38(teach) the public about “ 39(fin)”. They have even ___ __ 40(ask) governments 41(develop) laws ___ 42(stop) the __ ___ 43(sell)of shark’s fins. So far, no 44(science)__ _ 45 (study)_ __ 46(show) that shark’s fins __ __ 47(be) ___ _ 48(well) for __ 49(healthy), so why eat_____50(they) Help save the sharks! U12 In May 2001, I 1(find) a job in New York at the World _____2(trade)Center. On September 11, 2001, I 3(arrive) at my _____ 4 (build) at around 8:30 a.m. I _____5(be)about 6(go)up when I_____7(decide) ___ 8(get) a co ee _____9(one). I _____10(go) to my favorite co ee place even though it_____11 (be) two _____12(block) east from my o ce. As I _____13 (wait) in line with other o ce_____14(worker) , I 15 (hear)a loud sound. Before I _____16(can) join the _____17(other)outside _____18(see) what _____19(go)on, the 20 (one) plane had already_____21(hit) my o ce _____22(build). We _____23(stare) in _____24(belief) at the black smoke _____25(rise)above the 26 (burn) building. I 27 (feel) _____28(luck) _____ 29(be) 30(live). Almost 10 years _____31(late), I _____32(wake)up at 10:00 a.m. on February 21, 2011 and _____33(realize)that my alarm _____34(have) _____35(ever)_____36(go) o . I _____37(jump)out of bed and _____38(go) straight to the airport. But by the time I got to the airport, my plane to New Zealand _____39(have)already _____40(take) o . “This is the _____41(one)holiday I _____42(take) in a year, and now I _____43(miss) my plane. What bad luck!” I _____44(think) to _ 45(I). The _____46(others ) _____47(plane) _____48(be) full so I _____49(have) 50(wait) till the next day. The next morning, I 51 (hear) about the earthquake in New Zealand the day before. __ 52 (I)bad 53(lucky)had 54(expected) _____ 55(turn)into a good thing. ... ...

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