ID: 21485393

Unit 2 More than fun Presenting ideas & Reflection课件 (共15张PPT)外研版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-22 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:31次 大小:5368782B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 More than fun Presenting ideas & Reflection 学习目标 让学生学会策划创办一个学校俱乐部。 让学生学会自我评估,理解爱好所带来的益处。 新课讲授 Find classmates with the same hobby as you and work as a group. Discuss the plan for a new club for the hobby. Think about: the name of the club the benefits of your club what you will do where and when you will meet Step 1 Presenting ideas Brainstorm What’s in your plan What’s the club Why do you start the club How does the club work How do you make it attractive(有吸引力) Kitchen Kids Happy Singers Forest Walkers Volleyball Stars... Name&Member Outline of the plan Benefits Bring us fun... Looks Plans Time: _____ Place: _____ Activities: 1. ___ 2.____ 3.____... 5 girls 6 girls 8 boys 5 boys... What’s the club Why do you start the club How does the club work How do you make it attractive(有吸引力) Name&Member Outline of the plan Benefits Looks Plans Happy Singers 6 girls Beautiful cover (封面) A singing video Bring us fun, Giving us knowledge, Making more friends Time: every Monday Place: art classroom Activities: 1.practice 2. competition... Step 2 Organise your ideas with the help of the following outline and make your plan. You may use the following language tips or find useful expressions or sentences from this unit. Introduction Body Conclusion Stating the purpose of your club Describing the benefits of this hobby Explaining how your club works Concluding your plan, saying again the purpose of your club Useful expressions: Introduction Body Conclusion -Let me introduce to you a new club at our school. -The name of the club is... It’s about... -There are... members of this club now.We want to make more friends! Describing the benefits of this hobby - There are many benefits of this hobby. -First, it gives us knowledge about…; second, it is really fun; third, … -You can make new friends here. Explaining how your club works - Let’s meet every... at... o’clock in... -There will be activities like... -We welcome new ideas about... Concluding your plan, saying again the purpose of your club -Come and join us! -Let’s share the fun /benefits of... Stating the purpose of your club Step 3 Practise and present your plan to the class. Creative club plan Clear introduction Confident presentation Evaluation Step 4 Vote on the best three school clubs and the best three presentations. Club 1 Club 2 Club 3 Club 4 Club 5 Club 6 The Best three clubs and presentations ! Reflection 1 After completing this unit, I understand more about the benefits of hobbies. Benefits of having hobbies They bring us fun. They give us_____. They help us _____. knowledge make more friends To express my understanding, I can... use words and expressions in the unit to talk about hobbies: use there be to describe my hobby and the fun moments. explain the benefits of hobbies. I still need to improve: *1=excellent, 2=good, 3=not yet 2 Exercises She likes to _____ her ... ...

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