ID: 21492939

外研版八年级上册 Module6 Animals in danger. Unit2 教案(表格式)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:75次 大小:22755B 来源:二一课件通
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Module 6 Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all. 年级:八年级 课型:阅读课 审核:英语备课组 教学目标 1. To read and understand the material about pandas. 2.To grasp the main idea of each paragraph of the passage. 3. To learn to help and save animals in danger. 教学过程 和内容 教师活动 学生活动 设计说明 感情先行 明确目标 Show students the learning aims. Lead Ss to talk about something about pandas, such as the place they live in, the food they like and so on. 了解学习目标。 回答关于大熊猫的基本信息。 通过讨论,激发学生兴趣。 让学生大致把握接下来文章阅读方向。 知 识 为 例 , 探 寻 方 法 掌握单词 1. Present some pictures about pandas and introduce more information to Ss.. 2. Watch a video about cute pandas. 自学自检:学生观看图片和视频,深入了解大熊猫。 互助互学:讨论视频中的情节。 在自学自检、互帮互学中掌握新单词,体现学生的学习主动性和互助性。 分析文章 Ask students to scan the passage quickly and match the headings with each paragraph. Ask students to read part 1 and 2 and answer the three questions on PPT. How many pandas are there in the wild Why are pandas in danger What do scientists do During this process, let Ss know the situation of pandas is getting difficult and scientists tries to help them. Ask students to part 3 and answer the questions. What does the government do to protect pandas Let Ss realize that the situation is becoming better with the help of the human’s help. Ask students to retell paragraph 4 and complete the two sentences. The WWF chose the panda _____. The WWF is working hard _____. Introduce the WWF to Ss. 自学自检:通过多种类型的任务分段阅读,使学生对文章充分掌握。在阅读材料处理过程中让学生意识到,一 大熊猫数量少。二 大熊猫现状严峻(食物,环境,难存活)。三 科学家,政府和WWF都在为保护大熊猫而努力,让学生也形成保护大熊猫的意识。 归纳小结:引导学生找出文章和题目的关键词,并做出标记。 通过问题的层层设置,逐步引导学生从阅读整篇文章到问题中涉及的段落阅读, 来引导学生自己去掌握大熊猫的相关情况。 掌握写作方法 Get students to work in pairs and do a panda quiz(Summary for this passage). Ask Ss to use the key words on the PPT to write a short passage about pandas. 自学自检:以小测验形式总结文章 归纳总结:引导学生利用关键词写一篇介绍大熊猫的短文。 通过阅读分析,引导介绍动物,锻炼表达能力。 变式训练 情感升华 1.Watch a video about No buying, no killing. 展示点评:小组展示自己的感受。 通过训练,初步完成教学目标,并学会描述动物。 当堂检测, 独立使用 Get Ss to summarize what we learn today. Homework 引导学生进行课堂小结 布置课后作业 课后作业让学生重温本节课的学习目标,加深对本课重难点的印象和理解。 教学过程 Module 6 Animals in danger Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all. New words southwest produce Feed on in order to situation set up scientist government What Pandas Where forests and mountains of southwest China What bamboo Why baby pandas, bamboo forests How difficult What the scientists and the government ... ...

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