ID: 21492960

人教版(2024)七年级英语上册Unit 1 You and Me Period 1 Section A 1a-1d 教学设计(表格式)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:95次 大小:126689B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 You and Me Period 1 Section A 1a-1d(Opening Page) Analysis of teaching material What: 本单元围绕“结交新朋友”这一主题展开。 单元话题为Make new friends,该主题属于"人与自我"和人与社会"范畴,涉激"多彩安全、有意义的学校生活"和良好的人际关系与人际交往,SectinA主要聚焦解决How do you get to each other 的问题.场景。 Why: 开篇页给学生提供了交流的语用环境,主要是为了让学生学会观察主题图,识别信息,初步感知单元主题,明确单元学习任务;本课的主题意义在于让学生在本班内主动结识新朋友,建立良好的人际关系。 How: 1a—1d是一个完整的听说任务链,其中1a是听前活动,lb—1c是听中活动,1d是听后活动。 Teaching objectives 通过本节课的学习,我们能够: 1.观察主题图,识别信息,初步感知单元主题,明确单元学习任务;(学习理解) 2、教学与不认识的人相互了解(在语境中,问候同学和老师,介绍自己的朋友,并通过简单的自我介绍与不认识的人相互了解。 3、使用基本的语音知识(包插/i:1,1i/,1e|和/e/音的字母及字母组合并朗读基本知识,有礼貌地介绍朋友与他人认识 重点 3.总结归纳be动河和代阶的匹配并正确使用e动河介绍自己和同学。 能够制作个人英文简历并进行更深入的自我介绍。 教学难点,学生能够用英语作自我介绍并形成书面表达。 二、学情分析 学生基本能使用一些简单的问候语和介绍语,如Good morning, Hi Hello等,学生对问候的初步认知仅源行教材和其他媒体,但对于具体该通过怎样的方式过用英活做出貌的问候,如何恰当的介绍自己和他人,做出深度的自荐和他介绍他人存在一定的困难。 Teaching important and difficult points Important points: To learn to greet others, introduce yourself, and ask for and answer basic personal information. Difficult points: To use the relevant languages from the dialogue appropriately to greet others, ask for and answer basic personal information; To make new friends in the class actively and develop good relationships with others. Teaching procedures Teaching steps Teaching activities Purposes of design Step 1 Warm up and lead in .look and share Qs Greeting. Show Ss the learning objectives and checklist. Show the theme picture on Page 19, and let Ss observe it to answer the four questions. Qs:Who are the people in the photo Where are they How do you think they feel What do they want to do 1.Attract Ss’ attention, arouse Ss’ interests in the new lesson. 2.Let Ss check themselves in the whole class. 3.Lead into the topic. Step 2 Pre-listening 1. work on la →what are these expressions for Jloreetings. →让学生将表达分类 Ask for information name-full name /Last name / first name age.Let Ss think about how to answer the questions May I have your name How old are you Where are you from What class are you in 4.Let Ss ask T’s personal information, and T answers, and get to know more classmates. 5.Show the pictures in 1b, and let Ss observe them to answer the three questions, and predict the relationships between them. Qs: Who are they Where are they What are they doing Set a scene, stimulate Ss’ interests in learning and arouse emotional resonance. Present the target languages and lead Ss to get familiar with expressions of how to get to know each other(make friends). Lead Ss to explore the answers to ... ...

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