ID: 21493313

人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全册 被动语态练习题 (含答案)

日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:94次 大小:19615B 来源:二一课件通
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被动语态精练100题 一、单项选择 ( ) 1. Students do less homework now. Usually it _____ before 9 o’clock in the evening. A. finishes B. finished C. is finished D. was finished ( ) 2. A new cinema _____ here now. They hope to finish it next month. A. will be built B. is building C. has built D. is being built ( ) 3. Trees _____ here this time last year. A. were being planted B. planted C. were planted D. were planting ( ) 4. -- How many Chinese astronauts (航天员) _____ into space since 2003 -- Eleven, including two women. A. were sent B. sent C. have been sent D. have sent ( ) 5. Liu Xiang _____ by his coach to train regularly. A. advised B. advises C. was advised D. be advised ( ) 6. -- How often do I need to feed the dog -- It _____ food every day, or it will be hungry. A. must give B. must be give C. must be given D. must be gave ( ) 7. -- Doctor, it seems that you like to work with animals. -- Yes, I think animals should _____ as our friends. A. regard B. be regarded C. be regarding D. are regarded ( ) 8. More than 100 workers _____ from the coal mine in April this year. A. save B. saved C. are saved D. were saved ( ) 9. -- Are you going to the party -- No, because I _____. A. wasn't invited B. haven't invited C. didn't invite D. haven't been invited ( ) 10. We Chinese _____ by the touching documentary Amazing China. A. encourage B. encourages C. are encouraged D. are encouraging ( ) 11. Dr. Bethune _____ still _____ in both China and Canada today. A. is; remembered B. is; remembering C. will; remember D. has; remembered ( ) 12. Smart phones _____ by Huawei are getting more and more popular around the world. A. made B. making C. to make D. are made ( ) 13. The cheese cake _____ so good that I can’t wait to eat it. A. tastes B. is tasted C. is smelt D. smells ( ) 14. Gina went to the doctor’s yesterday and she _____ about the importance of good living habits once more. A. told B. is told C. was told D. has told ( ) 15. As we know, printing _____ during the Sui and Tang Dynasties in China. A. invented B. is invented C. was invented D. has invented ( ) 16. Some people think trees _____ on Tree Planting Day only. A. should plant B. should be planted C. should be plant D. should be planting ( ) 17. -- I cooked the fish. What do you think of it -- I haven't had it yet. However, it _____ delicious. A. tastes B. smells C. is tasted D. is smelt ( ) 18. In old days, the poor _____ for the boss for over 18 hours a day. A. was made to be worked B. were made work C. were made to work D. was made work ( ) 19. Recently, the Awakening Age (《觉醒年代》) that talks about China’s revolutionary stories _____ by young people in our country. A. is welcomed B. has welcomed C. has been welcomed D. was welcomed ( ) 20. Breakfast _____ every day for people aged over 60 for free in this village. A. provides B. provided C. is provided D. was provided ( ) 21. Sand turns to glass when it _____ by lightening. A. hits B. is hit C. is hitting D. will be hit ( ) 22. Comput ... ...

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