ID: 21500404

Unit 2 School life 基础练习(含解析)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:95次 大小:42346B 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    Unit2 练习 一、单项选择 1.—_____ have you been a member of the Youth League —For three years. A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How far 2.— Wow! Each of the boy _____ a kite at the moment. — Look! They each _____ great fun flying a kite there. A.have; are having B.has; are having C.are having; is having having; are having 3.If everyone puts in more effort, the tasks _____ in five days. A.were finished B.are finished C.have been finished D.will be finished 4.— I’m not sure if he _____ tomorrow. — Don’t worry. I think if he _____, he will give you a call. A.will come; will come B.will come; comes C.comes; will come D.comes; comes 5.—Maria, I feel _____. Joseph only had an egg for breakfast this morning. Will he be hungry now —All parents _____ whether their child is getting enough of the right foods. Just close your eyes and relax. A.worry; worry about B.worried; will worry about C.worried; worry about D.worry; worried about 6.— How do you find the price now — As a _____ rule, prices follow needs. A.private B.general C.central D.difficult 7.— Who _____ dinner in your home — My dad does. A.cook B.cooks cooking D.cooked 8.To Lei Feng, _____ help to people in need is the most meaningful thing. A.offer B.offering C.offers D.offered 9.— Did Millie do her best in the final exam — No, but of all the students she did _____. A.the most careful B.more careful C.most carefully D.the more carefully 10.— Alice _____ dance _____ Suzy now. — Yes. Suzy practices _____ of all the girls. A.isn’t, as good as, harder B.doesn’t, as good as, harder C.isn’t, as well as, hardest D.doesn’t, as well as, hardest 11.President Xi said a happy life is achieved _____ hard work of all the Chinese people. A.against B.above C.through D.below 12.― What do you think of your last trip to Australia ― Wonderful. When we arrived there, we couldn’t wait _____ off the bus and my mother looked _____ at me than before. get, happier B.getting, more happily get, more happily D.getting, happier 13.—I plan to decorate my living room. Would you please help me push the sofa _____ the wall —Of course. A.above B.over C.against D.through 14.He seldom _____, because he has a lot of Maths _____. A.exercise; exercises B.exercise; exercise C.exercises; exercises D.exercises; exercise 15.You’d better _____ the question first when having a test. A.look at B.look after C.look through D.look up 16.After my trip to Heilongjiang, I must say it’s _____ there than in Yangzhou. A.much colder B.much cold C.more cold D.more colder 17.—Alice _____ dance _____ Janice now. —Yes. Janice practises _____ of all the girls. A.isn’t; as good as; harder B.doesn’t; as good as; harder C.isn’t; as well as; hardest D.doesn’t; as well as; hardest 18.-Guess what The university has accepted my application! -Wow! That’s _____ new I’ve heard this year, Boris! Let’s celebrate. A.a worse B. ... ...

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