ID: 21511886

Unit 3 Teenage problems Period 2课件+音频(共36张PPT)牛津译林版九年级上册

日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:100次 大小:6092241B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Reading Unit 3 Teenage problems 能熟悉并正确运用本课时的重点单词和短语。 能了解Millie和Simon两个学生的青少年问题。 学习目标 Millie Simon Kitty Daniel Amy Sandy What problem does he/she have What should he/she do Pre-reading What should we do Keep our worries to ourselves Ask others for help Who can we ask for help go to a youth worker help to find out the cause deal with the problem give you valuable advice/suggestions Sigmund Friend Mr. Friend 新课讲授 Mr Friend wants to help Julie and Samuel. He has made a list of keywords in their letters. Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks. 1. choice ____ 2. stay up ____ 3. imagine ____ 4. doubt ____ 5. cause ____ 6. strict ____ 7. develop ____ 8. valuable ____ a. reason b. be not sure if something is true c. making sure that rules are obeyed d. very useful or important e. the right to decide which thing you want f. start to have a skill, ability, etc. g. go to bed later than usual h. form a picture in your mind of someone or something e g h b a c f d Task 1: Skim the text quickly and answer the following question. What are Julie’s and Samuel’s problems lots of homework staying up late not enough time for hobbies not enough time for hobbies strict parents While-reading Task 2: Read Julie’s letter carefully and finish the table. Julie’s problems Problem 1: homework She has much homework. She has no _____ but to do it, because it is important to _____. Problem 2: _____ She has to _____ late. Then she sometimes finds it _____ the next day. Problem 3: hobbies She _____ has any _____ for hobbies. She cannot _____ her life without hobbies. choice finish all her homework on time sleep stay up hard to stay awake hardly spare time imagine Task 3: Read Julie’s letter again and judge these sentences. ( ) 1. Julie has much homework every day. ( ) 2. Julie finds it easy to stay awake the next day. ( ) 3. Julie has enough spare time for her hobbies. ( ) 4. Julie finds it is worth spending so much time on homework. ( ) 5. Julie dreams of a long holiday in order to have more time for her hobbies. T F F F T hard doesn’t have doubts if Task 4: Read Samuel’s letter carefully and answer the following questions. 1. How is Samuel crazy about football He loves watching football, reading about football and playing football. 2. What’s the cause of his problem His love of football. 3. How long does Samuel play football He plays for hours. 4. Why does he get into trouble Because his parents don’t allow him to play outside after 6 p.m. 5. What does Samuel think of hobbies Hobbies can help us relax and make our lives more interesting. Task 5: Read Samuel’s letter again and judge these sentences. ( ) 1. Samuel doesn’t like football. ( ) 2. His love of football has become the cause of his problem. ( ) 3. He plays football for hours and never worries about the time. ( ) 4. Samuel has no trouble with hi ... ...

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