ID: 21516828

Unit 3 Teenage problems Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 课件(共19张PPT)牛津译林版九年级英语上册

日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:90次 大小:854369B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 牛津译林版九年级英语上册 Unit 3 Teenage problems Comic strip & Welcome to the unit Millie: What should I do then Mum : Perhaps you should manage your time better and go to bed earlier. Millie: OK. I’ll try. 学会合理分配和 使用时间与精力。 The secret of success is constancy of purpose Discussion What should we do Try to tell your teacher about it Plan your time carefully, try to finish the homework more quickly Ask parents to turn down or turn off the TV Try to be friendly to others, chat with them after class Ask parents to come home earlier Work hard ... The secret of success is constancy of purpose problem /'pr bl m/ n. 问题;困难 e.g. Did you have any problems on your journey 你在旅途中遇到什么问题了吗? May I ask you some questions 我可以问你一些问题吗? Hobo, I have a problem. The secret of success is constancy of purpose Some advice Go to bed early and don't watch too much TV. Plan your time carefully and try to finish your homework quickly. Ask parents to turn down or turn off the TV. Try to be friendly to others and chat with them after class. Try to stay in a quiet place when you are studying. Ask your parents to come home early. 一、根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文释义,写出句 中所缺单词 1. — Do you know that woman? — (也许) she is a new teacher in our school. 2. Han Mei is hard-working. She always gets high (分数) in the tests. Maybe/Perhaps  marks  拓展:no problem 用来表示同意或愉快地回答请求,意为“没问题”。 e.g. —Could you post the letter for me 你能帮我寄这封信吗? —No problem. 没问题。 The secret of success is constancy of purpose 3. (青少年) are supposed to help with housework to develop their independence. 4. The big noise in the street always drives me m . 5. David studies hard. I am sure he can pass the English (a formal written, spoken or practical test). Teenagers  ad  exam  The secret of success is constancy of purpose 辨析:problem 与question problem 是一般的问题,较为常用,往往需要对方答复。 question 多指要解答的、须解决的或供讨论的问题,也可指难以处理的问题,还可指数学习题。 The secret of success is constancy of purpose 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 6. [2024淮安开明中学9月月考] The coach looked (mad) than anyone else after their team lost the game. 7. Board games are becoming more and more popular among (teenager). 8. The children were surprised when they heard that a cow has four (stomach). madder  teenagers  stomachs  The secret of success is constancy of purpose mark /mɑ k/ n. 分数;标记;记号 e.g. He often gets full marks in exams. 他考试经常得满分。 Do not open any mail marked “Confidential”. 不要打开任何标有“机密”的邮件。 Mark prices on the goods. 把价格标在商品上。 marks The secret of success is constancy of purpose 单项选择。 1.—Is there anyone in the room upstairs —I think so. Look, the lights are still _____.( ) A A.on 2.Cindy is my _____ friend, and we can share our joy and sadness.( ) A A.close B.clos ... ...

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