ID: 21519431

Unit3 My school sectionB 1a-2b阅读课件+ 内嵌音视频 人教版(2024)七年级英语上册

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:100次 大小:26404699B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) My school Unit3 SectionB 1a-2b 01 02 03 04 Lead-in Reading Language points Homework 目 录 第一部分 PART ONE Lead-in Watch a video Write down some places and adjective words Let’s fill in the blanks In the hall we laugh and runto the dinning room for _____ _____in the building _____ for games where we play On the field we _____ In the office we don’t lag _____bright with ideas to share _____ school _____ space _____ and _____every place _____unch mkes us warmer fun Gym raise the flag Whiteboard Modern amazimg Smart special Delicious Do exercises 第二部分 PART two Reading dining hall gym Have a discussion shool hall teachers’office art building How many places in our school science building classroom Have a discussion What’s your favorite place in our school our school List your favourite places in your school. Then share with a partner. 1a My favourite places in my school Name favorite places in the school reasons Mike library It’s quiet and clean What’s your favorite place in the school My favorite place is... Why do you like it Because ... Skim Peter’s reply to Flora’s email. Choose the question Flora probably asked in her last email. 1b A. What’s your new school like B. Where’s your new school C. How is your new school different from your old one Skimming:read from 1b quickiy and answer the questions It’s an e-mail. 1.What’s this 2.Who is this e-mail from 3.Whose school is it It’s from Peter. Its peter’s school. Where is _____ in Peter’s school sports field It is _____the teachers’ building . next to sports field Where is _____ in Peter’s school classroom It is _____the sports field bebind classroom Where is _____ in Peter’s school dining hall It is _____the sports field across from dining hall EMAIL To: flora4ever@ From: peterbrown@ Hi Flora, Thanks for your email. To answer your question, my new school is great! It’s very beautiful. There are many modern buildings. There’s a large sports field next to the teachers’ building. All the students go there and do exercises together in the morning. It’s amazing! Every Monday we raise the flag there. It’s a special way to start the week. The classroom building is behind the sports field. We spend most of the time in our classroom. It’s big and clean. Every week, we change seats. This week I sit next to my best friend, Han Lin. The dining hall is across from the sports field. It’s my favourite place because there are many kinds of food. I love the Chinese food there. They make delicious jiaozi. How about your school Yours, Peter Read paragraph 1 and answer the questions Thanks for your email. To answer your question, my new school is great! It’s very beautiful. There are many modern buildings. 1.What does Peter think of his new school 2.Are there any buildings How are they It’s great and beautiful. Yes,there are.They are modern. Read paragraph 2 and fill in the blanks. There’s a large sports field next to the ... ...

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