ID: 21519681

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section B 2a~2e课件(共25张PPT)-人教版英语九年级全册

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:65次 大小:2613618B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section A 2A-2E 学 习 目 标 1 熟练掌握并运用重点单词及短语:its, form, clay, celebration,balloon, paper cutting, scissors, lively, fairy tale, heat,polish, complete,send out, be covered with, rise into put…on, turn…into …… 3 学生能根据所学内容,更多地接触中国的传统工艺,并能将之传承下来。 2 学生能读懂有关描述孔明灯、剪纸和陶艺的中国传统工艺的文章。 Beijing Opera Paper cutting Shadow figures Face changing Chinese clay art Sky lanterns Let‘s look and say! Paper cutting Shadow figures Face changing Chinese clay art Sky lanterns Beijing Opera Beijing Opera Paper cutting Face changing Chinese clay art Sky lanterns Shadow figures Beijing Opera Paper cutting Shadow figures Chinese clay art Sky lanterns Face changing Beijing Opera Shadow figures Face changing Chinese clay art Sky lanterns Paper cutting Beijing Opera Paper cutting Shadow figures Face changing Sky lanterns Chinese clay art What else do you know about traditional art, like paper cutting Chinese shadow puppetry sugar production celebration scissors fairy tale paper cutting balloon sky lanterns clay Chinese clay words polish heat historical complete Guessing Game 1. To finish sth. 2. About history. 3. To make sth. hot or warm 4. To make sth. smooth, bright and shiny What does the passage may talk about 2.What things can you see in the picture 1.It may talk about the Chinese traditional art. 2.They’re sky lanterns, paper cutting and Chinese clay. Please answer the questions. Tip 1 Skimming (略读) Read quickly and find out the main idea主旨 of the passage paper cutting sky lanterns Chinese clay art Tip 2 Scanning 寻读 Read quickly and look for certain确定的 information bamboo and paper paper a very special kind of clay 思维导图 material materials material traditional art Mind map Art form : sky lanterns Appearance : History : Used as symbols of : like small hot-air balloons first used by Zhuge Kongming to _____ happiness and good wishes ask for help when in trouble Card 1 Tip 3 Careful reading(精读) Read carefully and get more details (细节) 外观 Card 2 Art form : paper cutting Appearance : History : When it is used : Used as symbols of : flowers ,animals and things about _____ Chinese history Card 3 Art form : Chinese clay art Appearance :_____ from fairy tale or historical story How long to make it : What it shows: the love that all Chinese people have for cute children or lively charactors life and beauty several weeks over 1500 years during the Spring Festival wishes for good luck and a happy new year While you read 1 Zhuge Kongming sent sky lanterns out for pleasure 2 Sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations today. 3 Sky lanterns are made of bamboo and covered with clay Read the second paragragh and write T for true and F for false While you read Tip 3 Careful reading(精读) Read carefully and get more details (细节) F F T Complete the sentences using the correct fo ... ...

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