ID: 21520042

Unit 2 School life Task课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:16次 大小:7064874B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 学习目标 1.师生、生生交流,完成调查表; 2.小组讨论,分析范文,总结归纳出描述理想学校的 文章结构; 3.通过仿写练习,能够独立创作一篇描述自己理想学 校的文章。 Schoo Some things you like,some you hate. Wake up at six,but you're still always late. Not talking about when you can pick your classes, I'm sick of hearing,“Where are my glasses !” Homework takes up the rest of your time, I want to be a kid,I don't care whose face's on the dime. Lead-in Presentation Writing Conclusion 1.What time do the students in the school getup The students in the school get up at six. 2.Do they have much homework Yes.It takes up the rest of their time. 3.Do you like the school Why not No,because there is too much homework and we have to get up too early. Lead-in Presentation Writing Conclusion Daniel's school school John's school Daniel's ideal School Number of students in each class 48 30 35 20 Time spent on homework 3 hours 2 hours 1 hour 1 hour Do the students wear uniforms yes / no yes,not wear ties Number of Computer Studies each week 3 4 5 5 Lead-in Presentation Writing Conclusion Which school do you like A:Which school do you like best Why B :We like .., because ... Nancy's Lead-in Presentation Writing Conclusion Read Daniel's ideal school and complete the rest of the table. ideal school Subjects Maths, _ computer lessons School uniforms yes, not wear ties After-school activities clubs, Facilities (设施) a dining hall, a library, a swimming pool Lunch time an hour,have. chat,listen to School time 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Daniel's The principal wants to learn more about what we like and dislike about our school. Read the questionnaire on Page 28 and write your own answers. Lead-in Presentation Writing Conclusion ★School trips ★School subjects,sports &after-school activities ★Lunchtime ★ School time ★School evaluation(评价) ★School uniform Qs 1,2,3,4 Q 5 Q 6 Q 7 Q 8 Q9 Presentation Writing Conclusion Lead-in What is your ideal school like You can begin like this: In my ideal school,I would like .../We want... Presentation Writing Conclusion Lead-in Helpfu/ Tips 1.Use“I”or“we”. 2.Use the simple present tense. 3.Tell your reasons. Lead-in Presentation Writing One aspect One aspect of my ideal school Conclusion Lead-in Presentation Writing Conclusion John's ideal club In my ideal school,(we)have a Use“I”or“we'. lot of clubs.My ideal clubis a“buddy club”.In the Buddy Club,older students talk to new students about school life.Ienjoy this a lot because my buddy can help me learn all about my new school.He or shecan help me with my homework and listen to my problems too. Use the simple present tense. Tell the reasons. It's your turn to write only one aspect of your ideal school. Presentation Writing Conclusion Lead-in Lead-in Presentation Writing My ideal school Aspect 6 Aspect 1 School time Aspect 5 After-school activities Aspect 4 School trips My ideal school Aspect 3 School uniforms Aspect 2 Lunch ti ... ...

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