ID: 21520043

人教版(2024)七年级上册Unit 1 You and Me Section A 1a-1d 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:17次 大小:30313548B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Unit 1 You and Me Section A How do we get to know each other 认识,了解 互相,彼此 In this unit, you will be able to 1. learn how to get to know each other: 2. learn how to introduce others: 3.To learn some key words or expressions: each, other, mistake, Excuse me/ sorry Look and share 1. Who are the people in the photo 2. Where are they 3. How do you think they feel Two girls and a boy are in the phote. They are in the hallway. They are happy, exciting, nervous, shy… Lead in Leading in: full name 指全名,包括姓和名。 last name= family name姓 first name= given name 名 Cheng Long Kobe Bryant In the western countries: first name + last name e.g. Peter Brown In China: last name+ first name e.g. Teng Fei Ya Ming His last name is . His first name is . Her last name is . Her last name is . Brown Peter Song Meimei Peter Brown Song Meimei Peter Brown Song Meimei Emma Miller Chen Jie Have a try: Underline the first names, and circle the last names. Tick the expressions you know. Hello! Good morning! Nice to meet you. May I have your name How do you spell your name How old are you Where are you from What class are you in Listen to two conversations and number the pictures in the order you hear them. 1 2 Prediction Look at the picture andanswer the questions. 1.Who are they 2.Where are they 3.What are they doing They are students and teacher. They are in front of a school building. They are greeting. Listen again and circle the coloured words you hear. 1. Peter’s full name is Peter Brown/ Green. 2. Peter is from the UK/ the US. 3. Meimei is in Class 1/2, Grade 7/8. 4. Ella’s last name is Smith/ Miller. 5. Ella is 12/ 13 years old. 全名 n.年级 姓 Role-play. Get to know more classmates. Try to remember their names. Hello! I’m... May I have your name Good morning! I’m... Are you... Hi! I’m... Nice to meet you. Good morning! Yes, I am./ No, I’m ... Are you... 你是……吗? 答语:Yes, I am. / No, I’m ... 肯定答语中的I am不缩写。 询问对方姓名 What’s your name Are you… May I have your name 询问他人姓名 What’s his/ her name Is he/ she… Summary Summary 介绍自己 I’m… My name’s … I’m… years old. I’m from… My favourite… is… I’m in class… Summary 介绍他人 This is… He/ She’s … His/ Her name is… He/ She’s …years old. He/ She’s from… His / Her favourite (food/ colour…) is… 1. To introduce yourself to others 。 2. Recite 1a。 HOMEWORK Thank you!

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