ID: 21522240

Unit5 Fun Clubs SectionA课件 人教版八年级英语上册(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:48次 大小:2379813B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 Fun Clubs Section A How do you choose a school club Unit 5 club/kl b/n. 俱乐部;社团 join/d oin/v. 参加;加入 choose /tfu:z/v.选择;挑选 drama/'dra:m /n. 戏剧;戏剧表演 play Chinese chess下中国象棋 feeling/'fi:lin/n. 感觉;情感 news/nju:z/n.消息;新闻 musical/'mju:zikl/adj. 音乐的; 有音乐天赋的 musical instrument乐 器 exactly/ig'z ktli/ adv. 正是如此;准确地 drum/dr m/n. 鼓 ability/ 'bil ti/n.能力;才能 paint /peint/v.用颜料画;在……上 刷油漆 n. 油漆;涂料 climb/klaim/v. 攀登;爬 more /m :(r)/adj.&pron.更多(的) act/ kt/v. 扮演;行动 n. (戏剧等)一幕;行动 act out 表演 at home在家里 interested /'intr stid/adj.感兴趣的 interested in对……感兴趣 nature/'nert (r)/n.自然界;大自然 beef/bi:f/n.牛 肉 soon /su:n/adv.不久;很快 than/o n; on/prep.&conj. (用以引出比较的第二部分)比 more than多于 mind /maind/n.头脑;心思 fall/fo:l/v.&n . 进入;掉落;跌倒 n.(美式)秋天 fall in love with爱上…… take photos /take a photo拍照 collect/k 'lekt/v. 收集;采集 insect/'insekt/n. 昆虫 discover/di'skav (r)/v. 发现;发觉 wildlife /'warldlaif/ n.野生动物;野生生物 hsiotry gybiool Elinsgh goeypgrah sceicne atr hiCnsee Say the words Fenrhc amsth msuic Match the clubs with the pictures. drama club E ping-pong club art club music club science club chess club read with feeling you do I can play Chinese chess speak English What can paint sing swim What kind of club do you want to join I want to join the ping-pong club drama club science club chess club swimming club dance club music club art club name club can/can't Teng Fei ping-pong club play ping-pong Sam chess club play Chinese chess Lin Hua drama club read with feeling Listen to the conversations.Which club does each student want to join guitar drum piano violin /gi'ta:/ /dr m/ / pi n / /vai lin / What instruments do you know instruments. Peter: Oh,but you can sing well. Teng Fei:Exactly!How about Ella She can play the violin,right Emma:Yes,she can. Peter: What instruments can you play,Teng Fei Teng Fei:I can play the drums. Peter: That's great !Let's go to the music room after Teng Fei:Here’s some good news!Our school wants to start a music club.Do you want to join Peter: Sure.I can play the guitaryhat about you ,Emma Emma: I’d love to,but I can’t play any musical 2a Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks. Teng Fei:Hi there!What club do you want to join Peter: I have no idea. school! name ability Peter can play the guitar Emma sing well Ella play the violin Teng Fei play the drums Read the conversation and complete the table. Ability Club I (can/can't)play a musical instrument. l (can/can't)sing well. □ the music club I(can/can't)swim. I (can/can't)run fast. □ the sport club l(can/can't)play chess. □ the chess club l (can/can't)paint well. □ the art club I (can/can't)dance well. □ the dance club I(can/can't)read with feeling. □ the drama club I can/can ’ t .. Circle can or can't with your own information. Then tick the club(s)you ... ...

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