ID: 21524190

Unit 3 My School Section B Project 3a-3c课件(共48张PPT)+视频 人教版(2024七年级上册

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:35次 大小:270112442B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 My School Let me show you around! Project-3a-3c 能够运用本单元所学词汇、时态和句型对学校环境进行介绍,如绘制校园地图、向客人介绍校园等描述活动。 能够通过写作和介绍等活动加深了解自己的学校,小组完成绘制校园图示和介绍交流。 能够在小组中积极与同学沟通,参与小组合作,并以小组为单位完成项目活动。 Learning Objectives Good learners wanted Listen carefully Speak clearly Read aloud Work actively Show respect Note something important Evaluate yourself https://www./ Members Listen carefully Speak clearly Read aloud Work actively Show respect Note In total Group leader Member 1 Member2 Member3 Warm up sing a song Warm up sing a song How do you like your school What’s your favourite place What do you like to do there Let’s review Let’s review the places in school. library Quick response Say where it is. dining hall Quick response Say where it is. Say where it is. sports field Quick response classroom building Quick response Say where it is. teachers’ office Quick response Say where it is. gym Quick response Say where it is. science building Quick response Say where it is. music hall Quick response Say where it is. Let’s review Let’s review the positions of the places. This is a school ____. map Quick response It’s in front of the art building. Where is the ___ Quick response Where is the ___ It’s behind the classroom building. Quick response Where is the ___ It’s between the science building and the teacher’s building. Quick response Where is the ___ It’s next to the shop./ It’s across from the school hall. Quick response Where is the ___ It’s behind the dining hall. Quick response Where is the ___ It’s near the lake. Can you design your own school map Let me show you around! 3a. Draw a map of your school. Rules: 1. four in a group 2. draw or stick 3. design the best school in your eyes 4. respect each other Let’s stick your maps on the blackboard. Step 1 Let me show you around! 3a.Imagine that a group of students are coming to visit your school. Plan a tour for them. Notice A group of students from XX School are coming to visit our school. Can you be volunteers to show them around Let me show you around! Plan a tour Step 2 Let me show you around! 3b.Work in groups and practise giving the tour. Take turns to talk about each place. Step 3 Let me show you around! 3b.Work in groups and practise giving the tour. Take turns to talk about each place. Step 3 This is our library./... There is a large sports field next to the school hall./... The big building behind it is our classroom building./... This is an interesting place becuse we can plant trees./... The next place on our tour is the dining hall./... Let me show you around! 3b.Work in groups and practise giving the tour. Take turns to talk about each place. Step 3 This is our library./... There is a large sports field next to the school hall./... The big building behind it is our classroom building./... This is an interestin ... ...

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