ID: 21528067

Unit 1 You and Me Section A(1a-Pronunciation)课件 人教版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:77次 大小:87765695B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 You and Me Section A 1a-Pronunciation 请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入您请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在 输入标题 Thinking Do you think they are friends or not Why I think they are not friends because they seem to introduce each other. Big Question How do we make new friends make friends 交朋友 单元目标: In this unit, you will: 1. introduce yourself and others. 2. talk about personal information with the simple pesent tense (be). 3. make your own personal profile. 4. explore how to make new friends. / p s n( )l / adj. 个人的 / nf me n/ n. 信息 / k spl / v. 探究 / pr fa l / n. 简介 Unit 1 You and Me Look and share 1. Who are in the photo 2. Where are they 3. How do you think they feel They are students. They are in the school. They look happy. 1. Who are in the photo 2. Where are they 3. How do you think they feel How do we make new friends Lead in Hi! Greeting 问候/打招呼 I’m... What’s your name 自我介绍、询问姓名 I’m from France(法国). 介绍国籍 ... My I have your name My name is Jenny. Where are you from I’m from China. We are classmates. We can make friends with our classmates. Name Class Age Hobbies Where Section A How do we get to know each other get to know了解 each other 彼此 How do we get to know each other 1a Tick the expressions(表达方式) you know. Hello. Good morning. Nice to meet you. May I have your name How do you spell your name How old are you Where are you from What class are you in 请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入您请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在 输入标题 Look at the picture and predict their relationship(关系). Prediction(预测) Tip: 听前,观察两幅图片,并推测图片中的人物关系。 A teacher A student Two students Look at the picture and answer these questions. Prediction(预测) 1. Who are they 2. Where are they 3. What are they talking about They are Ella and a teacher. They are at the school gate. May be they are greeting each other. Look at the picture and answer these questions. Prediction(预测) 1. Who are they 2. Where are they 3. What are they talking about They are Peter and Meimei. They are at the sports field. May be they are greeting each other. 请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入您请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在 输入标题 What are they talking about 1b Listen to two conversations and number the pictures in the order you hear them. Tip: 听中,根据对话双方的称呼及对话内容判断人物关系,并对照图片标出先后顺序。 2 1 请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在这里输入您想输入您请在这里输入您想输入的内容请在 输入标题 What are they talking about 1c Listen again and circle the coloured words you hear. 1. Peter’s full name is Peter Brown / Green. 2. Peter is from the UK / the US. 3. Meimei is in Class 1 / 2, Grade 7 / 8. 4. Ell ... ...

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