ID: 21530030

Unit 2 School life 短语汇总学习素材【牛津译林(2024)版八上英语】

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:74次 大小:46552B 来源:二一课件通
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译林八年级英语上册U2短语汇总 单词/词组 中文 Welcome p.18-19 why don’t sb do sth 某人为什么不做某事呢? have to 不得不做某事 work harder 更努力的工作 fewer advertisements 更少的广告 learn about 学习关于 write about 写关于 use different words to 用不同的词来 refer to 指称 buy a toy lorry for my cousin= buy my cousin a lorry 给我堂兄买个玩具卡车 I’d like to = I want to 我想要做某事 plans for the weekend 周末计划 see a film 看电影 an important match 一场重要的比赛 提建议的句式 could/would you please do sth shall we/I do sth Let’s do sth Why don’t we/you do sth Why not do sth Would you like to do sth? How/ What about doing sth? Reading p. 20-22 in Year 8 = in the 8th grade 在8年级 a mixed school 一个混合学校 have lessons together 一起上课 among all my subjects 在我所上的课程中 like … best =favourite 最喜欢 learn foreign languages 学外语 have a Reading Week 有阅读周 during the week 在这周中 borrow books from the school library 从学校图书馆借书 bring in books and magazines from home 从家带来书籍和杂志 near the end of the week 临近本周周末 discuss the books with our classmates 和同学讨论书籍内容 in class 在课堂中 time goes faster 时间过的很快 read interesting books 阅读有意思的书籍 go to the Buddy Club 加入兄弟俱乐部 listen to my problems 倾听我的问题 offer me help 为我提供帮助 have different classes 上不同的课 on Friday afternoon 在周五下午 end earlier than usual 比平时结束的早 do sports together 一起做运动 twice a week 一周两次 play baseball 打垒球 after school 课后 practice hard 努力练习 win two games 赢得两次比赛 give something to someone 把某物给某人 in a competition 在一次比赛中 both …and… 和…都… read an article by sb. 阅读一篇由…写的文章 a boy from the USA 来自美国的男孩 Grammar p.23-24 more…than… 比…多 fewer …than… 比…少 (可数名词) less…than… 比…少(不可数名词) the most 最多 the fewest/least 最少 among the three of us 我们三个人之中 less free time 更少的空闲时间 comparative adverbs 比较级副词 superlative adverbs 最高级副词 draw well 画地好 draw better than any other student 画地比其他学生好 jump high 跳得高 swim fast 游地快 Integrated skills p.25-26 the number of students 学生的数量 wear uniforms 穿校服 do morning exercises 做早操 collect information 收集信息 have more weeks off 放更久的假 spend the least time on homework 在家庭作业中花费时间最少 have the longest summer time 有最长的暑假 spend time on your hobbies 花费最多的时间在兴趣爱好上 play chess 下象棋 at most 最多 do some reading 阅读 Study skills p.27 have an English test 有英语测试 a monthly test 月考 look through the questions quickly 快速浏览题目 answer questions easily 轻松地回答问题 read English newspapers and magazines 读英语报纸和杂志 at first 起初 do better 做的更好 keep writing 坚持写作 daily life 日常生活 Task p.28-29 watch English videos 看英文视频 at weekends 在周末 have a lovely time 度过愉快的时间 start at 开始于 finish at 结束于 get up early 起床早 have lots of time for 有很多时间 after-school activities 课后活动 have an hour of homework 一小时家庭作业 a ... ...

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