ID: 21530659

牛津译林版英语八年级上册Unit 2 School life学案2

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:96次 大小:19584B 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 School life Lesson 2 【学习目标】 1.Compare(比较)two things using ‘more...than’, ‘fewer...than’ and ‘less...than’. 2.Compare more than two things using ‘the most’ for the largest amount and ‘the fewest’/ ‘the least’ for the smallest amount. 【学习重难点】 1.How to use ‘more...than’, ‘fewer...than’ and ‘less...than’. 2.How to use ‘the most’ ‘the fewest’ and ‘the least’. 【学习过程】 一、预习课文,请初步了解本课时的词汇(英汉互译)。 1.更多的西红柿_____ 2.最滑稽的男孩_____ 3.更少的空余时间_____ 4.得分最少_____ 5.昨天的地理考试中,他得分最高。_____ 6.她父亲的书比我父亲的多。_____ 7.玛丽加入的俱乐部比约翰少。_____ 8.在我们班上,基蒂拥有的牛奶最少。_____ 二、知识点 1.Millie has more tomatoes than Daniel. 知识点:more… than的用法 [指点迷津] more adj.更多的,是many和much的比较级,后西可以跟可数名词复数形式,也可以跟不可数名词;和than连用时,表示“比……更多”,用来比较数量。它的反义短语是fewer… than或less… than。 e.g. I have more friends than you. There are more people in my family than in yours. more than后面还可以跟数词,表示“超过;多于”,反义短语是less than。 e.g. There are more than twenty people in the room. 房间里有二十多个人。 [小试身手]用所给单词的适当形式填空。 We need_____(many) computers in our office than before. 2.Millie has fewer bananas than Kitty. 知识点:fewer… than酌用法 [指点迷津] fewer.更少的,是few的比较级,后面接可数名词复数形式;和than连用时,表示“比……更少”,用来比较可数名词的数量。它的反义短语是more than。 e.g. Sandy has fewer pens than Andy. People will work fewer hours in the future. [小试身手]汉译英 这个箱子里的苹果比那个箱子里的少。There are _____in this box than in that one. 3.Millie has less rice than Daniel. 知识点:less… than的用法 [指点迷津] less… than的意思是“比……少”,less后面可以跟不可数名词或形容词、副词的原级。 e.g. There is less milk in this glass than in that one. This film is less interesting than that one. less than… 还有“不到……;少于……”的意思。 e.g. It took me less than two hours to finish my homework yesterday. [小试身手] 汉译英 1).今年这儿的雨水没有去年多。 There is_____ this year than last year. 2).你能在不到10分钟的时间内完成这项工作吗? Can you finish the work _____ 4.Kitty has the most eggs. 知识点:most的用法 [指点迷津] most的意思是“最多的”,是many和much的最高级,后面可以跟可数名词复数或不可数名词。当三个或三个以上的人或事物相比较时,我们要用(the) most来表示“最 多的”。 e.g. I have the most CDs in my class. He drank the most juice of us yesterday. [小试身手]用所给单词的适当形式填空 Jim has_____ (many) toys of them. 5.Daniel has the fewest tomatoes. 知识点:fewest的用法 [指点迷津] fewest adj.最少的,是few的最高级,后面接可数名词复数形式。the fewest的反义短语是the most。 e.g. There are the fewest students in our class. [小试身手] 汉译英 这个箱子里的苹果是所有箱子中最少的。 This box has _____of all. 6.Millie has the least juice. 知识点:least的用法 [指点迷津] least 最少的,是little的最高级,后接不可数名词。the least的反义短语 是the ... ...

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