ID: 21532531

(教-学-评一致性)新人教版八年级(上) Unit 5 Section B 2a-2e 阅读课示范课课件+导学案+分层作业(含答案解析)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:81次 大小:299208013B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Presentation 新人教新目标版 八年级(上册) Presentation Learning Objectives 1. 通过观看视频和图片,能够说出不同国家的文化的象征符 号,能够谈论它们的象征意义。 2.通过运用skimming略读策略,能正确地完成时间轴,准确 概括出2b全文及各段落的大意,借助回答问题和补全信息等 方式,能梳理文章的脉络结构,提取关键信息。在阅读过程 中关注和理解细节,深入挖掘文本内涵。 3.通过复述课文,能够总结文章Mickey Mouse的人物性格特征, 学习Mickey Mouse的“永不言弃、坚忍不拔”的良好品质;能够 谈论中国的卡通形象,传播中国文化,讲好中国故事。 Presentation Watch and say Lead to objective 1 Lead in An International Cultural and Arts Festival is being held in Beijing. 国际 艺术节 International Culture and Art Festival 主办单位: 北京艺术馆 文 化 Let's have a look at it. Presentation Activity 1 Lead to objective 1 test it Watch and say 评价标准:观看视频,说出你看到的艺术形式,正确说出1个得1分,共5分;回答最后1个问题得1分。加上下一页,此活动共12分。 我得( )分。 Please visit the China Exhibition Hall(展厅).What kinds of art forms can you see Presentation 评价标准:观看视频,说出你看到的艺术形式,正确说出1个得1分,共5分;回答最后1个问题得1分。加上上一页,此活动共12分。 我得( )分。 Please visit the American Exhibition Hall(展厅).What kinds of art forms can you see 自由女神像 美国职业篮球协会 Activity 1 Lead to objective 1 test it Watch and say Presentation 评价标准:观看视频,回答问题,回答正确得1分,正确填空再得1分。本活动共2分。 我得( )分。 Activity 2 Lead to objective 1 test it Watch and say Watch a video and answer: What can you see in the video Mickey Mouse Presentation Activity 3 Lead to objective 2 test it Before reading 评价标准:观看视频回答问题,正确回答第1.2问题每个问题得1分,正确回答第3个问题得本分,错一个空格扣1分,扣完为止。本活动共4分。 我得( )分。 Let’s enjoy a video and answer some questions. 1. What’s the name of the cartoon 2. Who is the main character in it 3. What does the character look like 4. Do you know who created him Steamboat Willie. 《威利号汽船》 Mickey Mouse. He is a _____ with ___ large_____ears. mouse two round Presentation Look and say Lead to objective 2 Before reading Do you know him the man behind Mickey Walt Disney 沃尔特.迪斯尼(1901-1966)是美国著名动画大师、企业家、导演及电影制片人,他创建了举世闻名的“迪斯尼公司”,他笔下的米老鼠使他一举成名,他还制作出诸如《白雪公主和七个小矮人》、《小鹿斑比》、《小飞侠》等大量优秀动画影片。影视事业成功后,他又创建了可供人们尽情欢乐的“迪斯尼乐园”。 Walt Disney Animation Studio is one of the most famous company in America, and also one of the biggest animation studios all over the world. Let’s read a passage about the great man. Presentation Activity 4 Lead to objective 2 test it Fast reading 评价标准:快速浏览文章,匹配每段的段意,匹配正确1个得1分,共3分;最后的填空填写正确得1分。 本活动共4分。我得( )分。 Please match the main ideas with each paragraph. The achievements(成就) of Mickey. The history of Mickey. The reasons why Mickey wa ... ...

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