ID: 21532654

Unit 1 You and Me Section A Pronunciation-2a-2e 课件(共63张PPT)+素材 人教版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:61次 大小:281949728B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 1 You and Me How do we get to know each other Pronunciation-2a-2e Learning Objectives 01.语言能力 02.学习能力 03.文化意识 04.思维品质 to pronounce /i:/, /i/, /e/, / /, “what's, I'm, It's, we're, who’s, he’s correctly; use the vocabulary and sentences to know your friends and teachers to master the ability of listening for details; to get information about people while talking; work in pairs to know the differences between Chinese and English names to stimulate the interest of English learning; to lead Ss to express their thoughts Content 01. Warm up 03. Pre-listening 04. While-listening 05. Post-listening 06. Language points 02. Review and pronounce 08. Homework 07. Summary&Exercise Good learners wanted Listen carefully Speak clearly Read aloud Work actively Show respect Note something important Members Listen carefully Speak clearly Read aloud Work actively Show respect Note In total Group leader Member 1 Member2 Member3 Evaluate yourself Warm up Let’s sing and review the short vowels! Read aloud Review and pronounce Do you remember them Read aloud Review and pronounce How about these symbols /i:/ /i/ /e/ / / 1. Listen and repeat Pronounce Today let’s learn some vowel pairs. Read by yourselves Pronounce ea t i s e t n a d b ee t f i t f e n m a n m ee p sh i st l ea d h a t h Pronounce Today let’s learn some vowel pairs. Can you find out the vowel pairs Circle them. Pronounce Today let’s learn some vowel pairs. 发元音/i:/的字母/字母组合: e、ea、ee ... 发元音/e/的字母/字母组合: e、ea Watch and learn Watch and learn Can you read these words Let’s practise read meat kid Can you read these words Let’s practise three red bread black 1. A. I' m 12 years old. B. I am 12 years old. 2. A. What's your last name B. What is your last name 3. A. It's Miller. B. It is Niller. 4. A. We're in the same class. B. We are in the same class. Pronounce 2. Listen and circle the sentences you hear.Then repeat them. 暂无音频 Read aloud We’re What’s I’m It’s Pronounce Read aloud /a m/ /w ts/ / ts/ /w r/ Pronounce Watch a video “What’s” in movies Watch a video Say the “contractions” I am = I’m They are = They’re You are = You’re I will = I’ll He is = He’s cannot = can’t She is = She’s do not = don’t It is = It’s will not = won’t We are = We‘re Pronounce Say the “contractions” Now let’s move on to the listening part. Watch a video What’s the video about What’s the video about Watch a video As your English teacher, you can call me ____. Pre-listening Look at the picture. Who are they a teacher two students What are they talking about While-listening a teacher two students What are they talking about Listen and tick. The school Greeting each other Introducing the new student The boy’s class and the class teacher While-listening 2a Listen to the conversation and circle the words you hear. Now read the whole passage by yourselves. Pay attention to the words you circle. Whil ... ...

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