ID: 21532728

Unit 1 You and Me SectionA (pronunciation(1-2e)课件+内嵌音视频共16张PPT 人教版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:96次 大小:15760425B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) R·七年级上册 第2课时 Section A (Pronunciation 1 - 2e) Unit 1 You and Me Let’s Chant I say "Are you ready ", you say"Let's go, let's go" I say /i:/ , you say me. /i:/ me /i:/ me I say / / , you say dig. / / dig / / dig I say /e/ , you say head. /e/ head /e/ head I say / / , you say fat. / / fat / / fat To learn the pronunciation [i:], [ ], [e], [ ]. To know the pronunciation I’m, what’s, it’s, we’re ... Be able to get ,ask and answer the personal information. Learning goals: 个人信息 Pronunciation Listen and repeat. eat is net bad feet fit men man sheep list head hat /i:/ / / /e/ / / 1 1. A.I’m 12 years old. B. I am 12 years old. 2. A.What’s your last name B. What is your last name 3. A.It’s Miller. B. It is Miller. 4. A.We’re in the same class B. We are in the same class. 2 Listen and circle the sentences you hear.Then repeat them. Let's learn these contractions(缩略词) : I am =I’m what is=what’s it is =it’s we are=we’re /a m/ /w ts/ / ts/ /w / who is =who’s /hu z/ he is=he’s /hi z / where is=where’s /we z/ 注意:this is 不能缩写 Chen Jie: Hello, Mr Smith! Mr Smith: Hello, Chen Jie. How are you Chen Jie: I'm good/fine, thank you. Mr Smith, this is my new friend/classmate, Peter. Peter, this is our English teacher, Mr Smith. He's from the US. Mr Smith: Hi, Peter. Nice to meet you. Peter: Nice to meet you too, Mr Smith. Mr Smith: What/Which class are you in, Peter Peter: I'm in Class 1. Mr Smith: Who's your class teacher Peter: Ms Hui. Chen Jie: Oh, Peter, it's Ms Gao, not Ms Hui. Hui is her first name. Peter: Oh, sorry! I'm sorry! My mistake. Listen to the conversation and circle the coloured words you hear. 2a 同班同学 班主任 错误 彩色的 Role-play the conversation Chen Jie: Hello, Mr Smith! Mr Smith: Hello, Chen Jie. How are you Chen Jie: I'm good, thank you. Mr Smith, this is my new friend,Peter. Peter, this is our English teacher, Mr Smith. He's from the US. Mr Smith: Hi, Peter. Nice to meet you. Peter: Nice to meet you too, Mr Smith. Mr Smith: What class are you in, Peter Peter: I'm in Class 1. Mr Smith: Who's your class teacher Peter: Ms Hui. Chen Jie: Oh, Peter, it's Ms Gao, not Ms Hui. Hui is her first name. Peter: Oh, sorry! My mistake. 1.Who is Mr Smith A. Chen Jie’s class teacher. B. Chen Jie and Peter’s English teacher. Chen Jie: Hello, Mr Smith! Mr Smith: Hello, Chen Jie. How are you Chen Jie: I'm good, thank you. Mr Smith, this is my new friend,Peter. Peter, this is our English teacher, Mr Smith. He's from the US. Mr Smith: Hi, Peter. Nice to meet you. Peter: Nice to meet you too, Mr Smith. Mr Smith: What class are you in, Peter Peter: I'm in Class 1. Mr Smith: Who's your class teacher Peter: Ms Hui. Chen Jie: Oh, Peter, it's Ms Gao, not Ms Hui. Hui is her first name. Peter: Oh, sorry! My mistake. Read the conversation and answer the questions. 2.What is the first name of Peter’s class teacher? A. Hui. B. Gao. 2b Chen Jie: Hello, Mr Smith! Mr Smith: ... ...

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