ID: 21533716

【新课标公开课】Unit3 My school! SectionB1a-1d优质课件+同步练习+素材包 人教版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:66次 大小:150931093B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit3 My school! 2024年人教版七年级上册 Section B 1a-1d优质课件 Learning objectives 1. 能够观察、识别电子邮件的形态特征,了解邮件的内容结构和基本格式;能够用所学形容词描述、介绍自己的学校。 2.获取短文中有关彼得新学校的基本信息,内容包括操场、教学楼、食堂等,梳理、概括表示他们信息的介绍,借助可视化图形呈现结构化知识。 3.探究Peter对新学校的看法,探讨你在学校喜欢做的事情,总结自己最喜欢学校的地方及理由,并在班级分享,提升爱护学校的意识。 Let’s play a guessing game!Guess the places in our school. There are lots of books and we can borrow(借) books there. library There’s a lot of grass and we can play football there. sports field There are many services to students and we also can do many things there. student centre There are many classrooms and we have lessons there. classroom building There are many tables and we have lunch there. dining hall It is very large and we hold many ceremonies(仪式,典礼) there. school hall We can play songs and perform operas(表演歌剧) there. music hall There are offices and our teachers work there. teachers’ building We can do science experiments (实验) there. science building There are art works(作品) and we can draw there. art building We can play sports there when it rains(下雨). gym There are goods(商品) and we can buy things there. school shop What’s your favorite place at school My favorite place is the reading corner in my classroom. There are many interesting books there. 1a List your favourite places in your school. Then share with a partner. What places are they What do you think of them sports field classroom building dining hall large, big, clean, beautiful... Whose school is it Here are three photos from a school. Look at the pictures and answer: Prediction greeting 打招呼 closing 结尾 It’s an email. The email is writing to _____ from _____. Flora Peter The email is about _____. Peter’s school introduction 介绍 body 内容 signature 署名 1.What kind of text is it 2.Who is writing to whom 3.What is the text about Fast reading Read quickly and answer: A. What’s your new school like B. Where’s your new school C. How is your new school different from your old one What question did Flora ask greeting 打招呼 closing 结尾 body 内容 signature 署名 introduction 介绍 1b Skim Peter’s reply to Flora’s email. Choose the question Flora probably asked in her last email. Hi Flora, Thanks for your email. To answer your question, my new school is great! It's very beautiful. There are many modern buildings. There's a large sports field next to the teachers’ building. All the students go there and do exercises together in the morning. It's amazing! Every Monday we raise the flag there. It's a special way to start the week. The classroom building is behind the sports field. We spend most of the time in our classroom. It's big and clean. Every week, we change seats. This week I sit next to my best friend, Han Lin. The dining hall is across from the sports ... ...

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