ID: 21533718

【新课标公开课】Unit3 My school! Section B 2a-2b&Project优质课件+同步练习+素材包 人教版(2024)七年级上册

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:28次 大小:43968004B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 2024年人教版七年级上册 2a-2b&Project优质课件 Unit3 My school! Learning objectives 1.复习总结之前学过的词汇和表达,熟悉学校建筑以及功能室相关名词;梳理和掌握描述学校建筑位置的句式; 2.理清介绍学校的基本框架,并在实践中介绍自己的学校,讲述自己喜欢的地方;能够用撰写邮件向同学朋友介绍自己的学校。 3.通过本节课的学习,让学生能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践;培养英语学习的兴趣,让学生熟悉生活的校园环境,并进行流利自如的表达。 Warming-up school teahcers’ building 教师办公楼 science building 科技楼 library 图书馆 classroom building教学楼 music hall 音乐厅 sports field 运动场 school hall 学校礼堂 art building 艺术/美术楼 dining hall 食堂; 餐厅 gym 体育馆 student centre 学生中心 Revision Introduce places in your school and describe their positions in pairs. A: Where’s the school dinning hall B: It’s in front of the art building. A: Where’s the ... B: It’s... ... gym dining hall hall library computer room Sports field Practice Share activities we can do in these places in your group. Sports field exercise; raise the flag; knowledge(知识); keep quiet(安静的); evening party; lectures(讲座) Language Box hall dormitory dining hall library classroom Practice Name the places you like and give reasons. Sports field My favorite place is our sports field. It is large and beautiful. We have fun playing sports and playing all kinds of games there. Which place do you like best, why I like my classroom best. There are many interesting things in our classroom. It’s big and clean. We spend most of the time here. Classroom Practice Let’s sum up the information and fill in the table. Places Positions Activities Reasons sports field across from the teaching building play sports and games; raise the flag big and beatuiful dining hall next to the library have lunch with our classmates and teachers enjoy all kinds of delicious food classroom behind the sports field have different classes learn so much Knowledge big and clean; many interesting things in our classroom … Practice Review the content of the passage in 1b. Peter’s new school Peter’s new school is _____ and _____. places locations (where it is) fun things (what he likes to do there) reasons (why he likes it) the sports field the classroom building the dining hall _____ the teachers’ building _____ the sports field _____ the sports field go there and _____, _____ every Monday. big, _____. spend _____ of the time, _____ seats every week. large, _____, special. eat many kinds of food. _____. great beautiful next to do exercises raise the flag amazing behind most change clean across from delicious Revision Find out the the structure of this email. Salutation (称呼) 语篇结构 Express thanks and the purpose of the email Introduce the details of the school buildings locations fun things Ask for other’s school Sign (签名) Beginning Ending Body Revision What: 时态 Present simple tense 一般现在时 人称 the first and the third persons 第一和第三 ... ...

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