ID: 21533992

Unit 3 My School Section B 1a-1d课件 2024-2025学年新人教版 七年级上册

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:33次 大小:27255348B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Section B (1b reading) Unit 3 My School What fun things do you do at school 1.通过多次阅读1b的文章,获取、梳理、归纳Peter介绍自己学校里场所的位置、活动以及评价等结构化知识,并运用获得结构化知识来介绍自己的学校。 2.在老师的引导下,通过观察、识别电子邮件的形态特征,获取电子邮件的内容结构和基本格式,并能够根据获取的信息和结构化知识给朋友写一封电子邮件。 3.通过读图、跳读、细读、复述等阅读策略来获取、梳理信息,进而提升自己阅读理解的能力。 Learning goals Think and say What can we do in …? We can … read books eat meals study have parties exercise \ raise flag sports field library school hall dinning hall classroom My favorite place is ... Because I can...\ it’s … 1. What kind of text is it a diary an email a story 2. It is from _____ to _____ . Watch and answer Peter Flora / fl r / A.What's your new school like B. Where's your new school C. How is your new school different from your old one 2. How many places are introduced (被介绍) in the e-mail What are they Three. They are sports field , classroom building and dining hall 1. Which one is probably Flora's question Skim the passage and answer the questions Read para.1 carefully and answer 1. What does Peter think of his school 2.Are there many modern buildings in his school It’s great and beautiful Yes, there are How to introduce his school school where how what how great beautiful places sports field classroom building dining hall Read para.2 carefully and answer 1. Where is the sports field 2.What do all students do there It’s next to the teacher’s building They do exercises and raise the flag on Monday What does Peter think of them What do you think of them Peter’s school school where fun things comment how great beautiful places sports field classroom building dining hall next to the teacher’s building do exercises raise the flag amazing special Discuss: What fun things do you usually do on the sports field I usually run\play soccer\… Read para.3 carefully and answer 1. Where is the classroom building 2.How is Peter’s classroom 3. Where does Peter sit this week It’s behind the sports field It’s big and clean. He sits next to his best friend Discussion : 1. Do you often change seats Why 2.What do you usually do in classroom. Peter’s school school where fun things comment how great beautiful places sports field classroom dining hall next to the teacher’s building do exercises raise the flag amazing special behind the sports field study with classmates big clean Read para.4 carefully and answer 1. Where is the dining hall 2.Why does Peter like the dining hall best 3. Does Peter love Chinese food It’s across from the sports field Because there are many kinds of food Yes, he does Discussion : 1. What’s your favorite Chinese food Peter’s school school where fun things comment how great beautiful places sports field classroom dining hall next to the teacher’s building do exercises raise the flag amazing special behind the ... ...

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