ID: 21538229


日期:2024-10-23 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:39次 大小:16401695B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 过程法在话题类写作中的初步实践 Have one in common 学情分析: 1.我班上大部分学生一拿到这种话题就会嫌弃和退缩抱怨,因为可能是看不懂,即使看懂一点可框架不知道怎么组构。 2还有的就是抄主干句子,总之没有体系。 过程法写作———process approach writing 1.Introduce the topic in a general way. 2.Next,you add 3 details of what you want to say. 3.Then you write a clincher ,put this sentence last. Steps: look like 从基础年级重视写作框架和脉络,相信随着知识的积累将会胜任中考的话题 英语教学中引入过程法写作的积极意义 过程法写作是写作的一种训练模式,以其短小、快速、易开展等特性受到教师的喜爱,在英语课堂教学之中,教师可以即兴开展过程法写作训练,促进学生英语写作能力提升。 If you are able to write sth,you can read better. 今天我用提示图片法来演示我班上前一段时间讲电影的内容,出自一篇完型填词题,当时我用写作方式提前改编了一下,实践完之后,完型填词顺利多了,不过过程法写作是师生共同参与的,这样适合各层次的学生水准。 适合层次学生 最差的一名学生 practice:your favorite movie Write notes for your own :(teachers and students together) The name of the movie:(topic) _Mu Lan Brainstorms:students and teachers work together(you add 3 details of what you want to say.) The kind of movie: exciting action Mulan is an exciting action movie. detail1 detail2 What the movie is about :a village girl. It comes from an old Chinese story... She dresses up like a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army. detail3 What do you think of stars I love Liu Yifei very much. So I love Mulan very much. I think the actress play Mulan’s role well. 亮点句子(情感素养) What you think of the movie: The movie shows her love for her family and country. Then you write a clincher ,put this sentencee last. If you to watch an exciting action movie , you can choose_____! want Mulan Mulan is an exciting action movie.It comes from an old Chinese story. The movie is about a village girl, Mulan. She dresses up like a boy and takes her father’s place to fight in the army. I think the actress play Mulan’s role well. I love Liu Yifei very much. So I love Mulan very much. The movie shows her love for her family, friends and country. The name of the ......:_____ The kind of .......:_____ What the ...... is about:_____ What do you think of the .......:_____ Struct 最后重视课堂的互评作文的好处 我一般会及时和学生们一起改,及时抓住他们的句子结构和语法时态的漏洞,还有的是词汇的写错,效果一是减轻工作量,二是学生们下次犯错次数减少了,不过需要大量时间。 Encourage students to write other topics travel come on Thank you for listening ... ...

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