ID: 21541434

(教-学-评一致性) Unit 5 Section B 3a-Self check 写作课示范课课件+导学案+分层作业 新人教版八年级(上)

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:11次 大小:43186457B 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit5 Section B 3a-Self check分层作业 一、根据中文提示填空。 1.Ma Yun has a lot of money. He is really a _____ (富有的) man. 2.The _____ (原因) why he didn’t get the job was that his English was bad. 3.Hangzhou,a city of China,is _____(著名的) for the West Lake. 4.Are there any good _____(电影) on today 5.The man looked worried because he _____(丢失) all of his money on the train. 6.If you work hard at your lessons, I'm sure you will be _____(成功的)one day. 二、根据要求完成句子 1. 明天谁将替你出席会议? Who’s going to _____ _____ _____ at the meeting tomorrow 2. —Why does everyone like that boy (ready) —Because he _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____(总是乐于助人). 3. 他喜欢装扮成圣诞老人来给孩子们分发礼物。 He likes to _____ _____ as Santa Claus to give away presents to children. 4. 在二十世纪六十年代,他制作了他的第一部影片。 _____ _____ _____, he made his first film. 5. 米奇在卡通片里就像一个普通人。 Mickey was like a _____ man in the _____. 6. 我们从这个节目中学到了许多历史知识。 We _____ a lot of history knowledge _____ the programme. 三、单项选择 1.A new novel _____ yesterday. A. went up B. went out C. came up D. came out 2.—Do you have any _____for the coming weekend —Not yet. What about having a picnic on the beach A. problems B. news C. plans D. rules 3.The smart boy _____ like a rabbit (兔子)in the party ,it made all of us laugh. A. got up B. dressed up C. took after D. looked after 4.—What do you plan _____on TV tonight —I hope that I can _____what's going on around the world. A. watching; find B. to watch; find out C. watching; find out D. to watch; look for 5.--How do you like the movie Kung Fu Panda? --I _____ it very much. A. feel B. hope C. love D. think 四、根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空。 lose, lucky, become, reason, meaning, appear 1. Dennis was _____ enough to miss the last train. 2. I was surprised that Susan _____ at Dave's birthday party. 3. —My mother _____ her umbrella yesterday. —Really I'm sorry to hear that. 4. My brother doesn't like scary movies. He thinks they're _____. 5. I'm talented in music. My parents want me _____ a successful singer. 6. Maria chose this job for two _____. First, it's fun. Second, it has a short working time. 五、阅读下面电台各栏目的简介,然后从所给的A—E五个选项中选择正确的小标题,将其序号填入各小题的横线上。 I II 1. Business news today, with information about the world business in Europe. A.What do you think 2. What is more important for teenagers, money, love or education Listen to ten teenagers from different places in Asia talking about their futures. B.English club 3. Tonight’s theme is Chinese history. Improve your English by listening to tonight’s stories and poems, all about Chinese history. C.Teen dreams 4. Yuko talks about tonight’s movie stars from all around the world about their experiences. D.Talk talk 5. Phone in with your opinion about today’s hot topics: Why is the world getting fatter E ... ...

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