ID: 21545655

【新教材】Unit 3 My School Section B(2a—2b)课件-人教2024版七上英语

日期:2024-10-24 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:13185445B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教新目标(Go for it)版(2024) 七年级上册 id=2032 Unit 3 My School Section B What fun things do you do at school (2a—2b) 通过本节课学习,我能够: 1. 模仿课文的结构和语言给朋友写一封电子邮件,介绍 自己的校园,提升英语语言表达能力和写作能力。 2. 通过自评和互评,改进初稿的结构、内容和语言,养 成检查的好习惯,提升写作质量。 Learning objectives Do you remember the places in a school What are they Activity One Review 教学楼 办公楼 新教材 示范课 How would you describe them 教学楼 办公楼 amazing bright and clean beautiful modern nice great special tall large small quiet new 新教材 示范课 Do you remember the prepositions of position Where’s the dog 新教材 示范课 Write sentences about our school, using there be structure and the prepositions of position. There is a library behind the Classroom Building. There is a Sports Field in front of the Classroom Building. There is a /an ... There are ... ...... 新教材 示范课 2a Think about places in your plete the notes. 1. Places in my school: _____ 2. My favourite place: _____ 3. Where it is: _____ 4. Why I like it: _____ 5. What I like to do there: _____ classroom building, … library It’s in front of the dining hall. I can find many kinds of books there. I like to read books there with my friends. 新教材 示范课 Imagine a friend from another country has sent you an email about his or her school. Write a reply about your school. 2b 新教材 示范课 EMAIL To: From: Dear_____, _____ _____ _____ Yours / Bye for now, _____ the recipient’s email address 收信人email地址 the sender’s email address 写信人email地址 salutation 称呼 body of the email 正文 ending 礼貌结束语 signature 署名 Send 新教材 示范课 EMAIL To: From: Dear_____, Thank you for your email. Your school sounds fun! I’d like to tell you about my school. There are many interesting places here. They’re _____ and _____. My favourite place is _____. It’s _____. I love it because it’s_____. I like to _____ there. Bye for now, _____ 收件人电子邮箱 发件人电子邮箱 收件人 发件人 学校里的一些地点 一个地点 一个地点 表示位置的词或短语 表示活动的词或短语 描述性的词或短语 新教材 示范课 假如你是李华,你美国的好朋友Peter给你发了一封关于他新学校的电子邮件。请根据所给提示,给他回一封邮件介绍你的新学校。 内容提示:1.学校的特点; 2.学校的建筑及布局; 3.最喜欢的地方。 要求:1.应包含所给提示信息,可适当发挥; 2.70词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Writing 新教材 示范课 Dear Peter, Thank you for your email. Your school sounds nice! I’d like to tell you about my new school. _____ Yours, Li Hua 新教材 示范课 开头 结尾 正文 开篇点题 总结全文 细节描述 My school is not big but very beautiful. What a nice school! I love my new school. There is a library in front of ... books, my favourite place is... 如何写介绍学校以及学校生活的文章 新课标 示范课 Sample writing Dear Peter,? Thank you for your email. Your school sounds nice! I’d like to tell you about my new scho ... ...

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